Making a pretty picture with a pencil or paintbrush is only part of what artists do. It’s all about letting your guard down, entering a zone of creativity where your innermost thoughts and ideas can surface, and then applying those ideas to whatever you want. It’s also about the creative procedure of coming up with ideas for and gathering supplies for a new work. Before shopping your beach Paintings, it is crucial that you have all the necessary tools on hand.
Get your canvas ready
Make sure your canvas is stretched or buy one that has already been stretched. Not to be too blatant about it, but I have seen individuals buy canvases and immediately begin painting on them without even taking them out of the packaging. Remove the canvas from its plastic cover. The subsequent step is priming the canvas. Gesso is a common medium used for this purpose, and there are many types available for use with different paint mediums as acrylic, tempera, and oil. When painting a room, gesso can serve as a primer.
Arrange your canvas and tools
In what way will you actually be painting? Do you like to paint with a canvas that is flat on the easel, or do you like to tilt it slightly? What about laying the canvas flat next to your palette?
There’s no absolute right or wrong way to organize your painting studio, but doing so will save you time and frustration. Prepare for painting by gathering all of the tools and materials you will need, including brushes, palette knives, water, and anything else you may require. The work spent putting together this “mise en place” will be well worth it because it will greatly improve the painting experience.
Do A Quick Sketch First
The use of charcoal or graphite to create a rough sketch will help you figure out the overall structure of the item you’re preparing. Graphite and charcoal are also effective mediums for this procedure, but some painters avoid using them since they tend to mix with the paint and alter its color. Therefore, a fixative may be a good approach to make sure there are no problems if you intend to use either of these. It is possible to use a spray fixative on canvas because it will penetrate the fiber’s inherent weave.
The Colors You Use Aren’t Part of Your Canvas
Though most people (i.e., those who aren’t artists) may think of Canvas Paintings as a messy pastime, the contrary is true. Artists that are well-organized typically outperform their disorganized counterparts in both output and efficiency. No matter what surface you’re painting on, you shouldn’t utilize the canvas itself as a palette. The palette tray is for mixing only.