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Throwing A Surprise Birthday Party For a Loved One? 5 Things You Simply Need To Know!


Throwing a surprise party for a close friend or family member is always an exciting prospect.

However, after the enforced lockdown caused by the worldwide pandemic ruined numerous celebrations and get-togethers, the importance of reuniting friends and family together again has never been higher.

With that being said, continue reading to discover five things you simply need to know when planning a surprise party in 2021.

1. Outside Catering

Source: Shutterstok (Outside Catering)

Although it may seem fantastic at the time of initial planning to ask close friends, family members or employees to all chip in to make delicious sweet and savory treats for the event, this can cause undue stress and worry as well as probably costing considerably more than you may think. 

There are a multitude of benefits to hiring outside caterers, which include but are in no way limited to:

  • Guaranteed adherence to all food and safety rules and regulations
  • Impeccable and consistent service
  • Professional & affluent aesthetics
  • Savings on time and also cost

2. Professional Bartending Service

Source: Shutterstock (Professional Bartending Service)

Organizing the drinks at a party can result in spending an inordinate amount of time worrying about whether or not you have brought in sufficient enough variety of different alcoholic drinks and soft alternatives to cater for everyone’s tastes. 

Instead, remove the stress and worry by hiring the services of a professional and reputable external bartending company, such as eventbartenders.com, who will be more than happy to tailor their service to exactly suit and fit in with your needs. 

3. Plan The Guest List Carefully

Source: Shutterstock (Plan The Guest List Carefully)

Obviously, in theory the VIP would want as many people as possible from all walks and different stages of their life.

In practice however, it is certainly worth secretly finding out, over a cup of coffee and a casual chat, if there is anyone in your loved one’s life that perhaps would not be invited to their birthday party should they be throwing it themselves.

4. Never Have The Party At Home

Source: Shutterstock (Never Have The Party At Home)

When you plan a private surprise party at home, there are far too many variables that can go wrong in terms of organization and on the day itself, especially if the guest of honor is local to your own home.

Instead, choose a venue that is nearby but not so near that your loved one could catch you organizing and planning the event. A fantastic idea is to hire a private room within a public house or restaurant that you can decorate on the morning of the surprise party itself. 

5. Find A Party Planning Accomplice

Source: Shutterstock (Find A Party Planning Accomplice)

Planning a surprise party can, ironically, surprisingly become an actual burden, especially when you have no one with whom to discuss the finer details and to bounce ideas off of. 

Choose a mutual friend of yours and the guest of honors with whom to plan the party with, who will also become a fantastic confidant in confirming or denying ideas and whether or not the birthday friend will like them. 

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