These days, many people are taking photographs for different reasons, may it be for personal or commercial purposes. From commercial photography to art photography, a good photograph can often be used to get a particular message across far more quickly and effectively than the written word. Thus if you want to use photographs in marketing your company’s products and services, make sure that they are of the very highest quality. A poorly taken and edited photo would almost certainly have the opposite effect to the one that you are looking to achieve. In the following article, we will be examining ways in which photography can be successfully used as a marketing tool:
Table of Contents
1. Subject
Be clear about what your subject happens to be and make sure that your photographs are not confusing or ambivalent in any way. By making use of a shallow depth of field, it should be possible to keep your subject matter sharp and in focus while greatly reducing the impact of unnecessary details and clutter.
2. The Importance of Lighting
Always be aware of the effect that lighting is having on your subject matter. If at all possible, always try to use daylight, as the results will appear more natural. If your marketing photos are to be taken indoors, try to position your subject near to a window.
3. Permission
If people are to be included in your photos, always ensure that a written release is obtained beforehand. That way, if a model is in any way unhappy with the results of a marketing photo shoot, at least they would not be able to prevent you from using the images. While the inclusion of people in your photos can make them more compelling, but it is important to be prepared for any complications or disputes that might arise.
4. Backgrounds
The backgrounds to your marketing photos should be considered every bit as important as the foregrounds. A cluttered or distracting background can distract the eye away from the subject matter of your pictures. Likewise, a background that is either too dark or too light can have a negative impact on the lighting of your foreground subject.
5. Equipment
Generally speaking, the better the camera and equipment used, the better the results are likely to be. High quality lenses and large sensors will produce images of greater sharpness and definition than the more run of the mill equipment. If natural lighting is simply not possible for your shoot, ensure that an external flashgun is used. An external flashgun can be pivoted to bounce light off surrounding surfaces in order to create a diffused effect, which is far more pleasing than direct lighting that can appear harsh and unnatural.
6. Keep it Simple

Images for marketing purposes tend to be most effective when unencumbered by ambiguity. Artful photos that are full of textures and accents could prove to be confusing and possibly even misleading. In a nutshell, keep it clear and concise in order to get your message across with the minimum of fuss.
7. The Devil is in the Detail
With certain products, such as foodstuffs and jeweler, it will be necessary to get in close in order to highlight detailed workmanship and attractive textures. A high quality macro lens, together with a sturdy tripod, could be required when looking to capture those all-important close ups. This is one instance where artificial lighting would probably be preferable to that of daylight.
A Short Summary
Attention to detail would probably be the most important consideration when producing photos with which to successfully market your products and services. By taking great care and thinking ahead, it should be entirely possible to come up with a collection of photographs of stunning simplicity and effectiveness.