
5 things to Prepare Children Before Sending them to Boarding School

Sending children to boarding school is a complex situation for parents, evoking both positive and negative emotions. While parents’ intentions are clear, how children navigate this experience depends on their readiness physically, mentally, and emotionally. If not adequately prepared, the anticipated positive impacts may be reversed, leading to potential burdens, depression, or wayward behavior in the absence of parental guidance. The key lies in understanding why and how children are enrolled in boarding schools.

In India, residential schools in Dehradun and other northern states are highly favored for the education and development they promise to deliver. However, each child reacts differently to separation from parents and hostel living. This article addresses crucial aspects that children should be prepared for before embarking on their boarding school journey. As parents, here’s how you can be their guides for this new experience: 

1. Acceptance without pressure: A child should be mentally and emotionally prepared for hostel life without any undue pressure or obligation, especially considering the absence of parental presence. It is crucial to familiarize them with the upcoming environment, where they will reside for an extended period away from their immediate family members. Parents should make a couple of visits to the hostel with children before the permanent shift.

Sending children to hostels with proper preparation ensures they adapt smoothly without resistance or difficulties. When referring to difficulties, it implies avoiding isolation and preventing violations of hostel and school rules. The primary goal of enrolling them in residential schools in Dehradun or even any other state is to provide an adaptive environment for quality education, free from distractions.

2. Social skills: In a boarding school, the companionship of peers becomes crucial in compensating for the absence of parents. Failing to establish connections with peers can lead to isolation, negatively impacting a child’s mental well-being and potentially affecting academic performance

Developing social skills, and inculcating sharing and adjustment is integral to a child’s character, fostering valuable bonds with their peers. Sensitivity towards others’ needs should be instilled in them, ensuring a supportive environment. This approach guarantees that, alongside receiving a quality education, children also experience a sense of home and create positive memories of their school life. 

In SelaQui International School, a Dehradun hostel school, the staff and caretakers ensure everyone helps each other out—whether it is with schoolwork or emotional distress. They encourage every student to try new things and make friends in a place that always looks out for everyone in it. To cope with this environment, social skills play a pivotal role

3. Discipline and adherence: Boarding schools emphasize the value of obedience as children are required to adhere to rules and regulations. The goal is to instill disciplinary traits in students, contributing to their character development. Children who respect norms and rules are more likely to fit into the school environment, while a lack of adherence may lead to reprimands, potentially causing a sense of not belonging. Ultimately, fostering obedience in children helps them become disciplined individuals capable of surviving in various societal and working conditions.

It is important to find a balance between making sure rules are followed and creating a caring environment. Being strict should come with understanding and guidance so that children see rules as fair and needed, not just strict or harsh. Dehradun hostel schools like Selaqui International School create the ideal ambience and surroundings offered to children.

4. Self-care: Guardians or hostel authorities ensure the well-being of children, looking after their nutrition, clean and hygienic living spaces, and overall safety and security within the hostel. However, self-care extends beyond these aspects. While essential amenities are facilitated, the responsibility for maintaining personal hygiene, adhering to regular meals, promptly informing relevant staff in the event of physical or mental health concerns, and maintaining communication with family falls upon the individual. 

Residential schools in Dehradun, such as SelaQui International School, ensure that necessary support is provided to the child whenever required. However, unlike rules set by the hostel or parents at home, taking care of personal well-being is the child’s responsibility. It involves reaching out for help when needed and looking after oneself.

Give the best to your child with SelaQui International School

SelaQui International School in Dehradun offers top-notch sports facilities and follows a well-structured day from 6 AM to 10 PM involving students in academics and extracurriculars. In the case of homesickness, students are assigned mentors for initial guidance, and a counselling team provides overall support and care. If you wish to admit your child in this Dehradun hostel school check out all the details on their website today.

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