Most people praise lemon juice and baking soda for their excellent teeth whitening effect, acne and scar removing properties. However, some people insist that combining these two ingredients is dangerous for the skin and teeth.
Although many studies have not covered the effect of both lemon juice and baking soda, different studies are available on the individual cosmetic benefits of these ingredients. The studies and information on the pH of lemon juice and baking soda suggest that they have benefits but combining them may not always be safe.
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The basics of acids and bases
To fully understand the effect of teeth whitening with baking soda and lemon, you need to understand how acid and bases work and the pH scale. The Ph ranges from 1 – 14 and describes how acidic or basic a substance is. The higher the number of a substance, the more basic it is, while the lower end of the scale represents acidity.
The pH of baking soda is 9, meaning it is basic, while lemon juice has a pH of 2, indicating it is acidic.
The claim about teeth whitening with baking soda and lemon juice
Baking soda removes stains on the teeth, including smoking, wine and coffee. Adding lemon juice to baking soda increases its effectiveness.
The Journal of Clinical Dentistry has a report that reviewed five studies on the ability of baking soda to remove plaques on the teeth. These studies found that only baking soda on the teeth effectively removed plaques.
A study in 2015 found that using lemon juice on the teeth can wear away the enamel, which protects the teeth, and unlike other protective surfaces, the enamel doesn’t grow back.
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Many people that advocate for lemon juice and baking soda for teeth whitening claim that baking soda balances the pH of lemon juice, reducing its harmful effect. However, no evidence is available to show that baking soda has that neutralising effect on lemon juice’s acidity, plus it is difficult to know the right ratio of acid to base when mixing these ingredients at home.
With the possible risk that lemon juice poses on your teeth, it may be best to avoid teeth whitening at home with both ingredients.
An Alternative
If you want to whiten your teeth, you should consult your dentist first. Your dentist can recommend safe over-the-counter teeth whitening options or professional teeth whitening. Your dentist can offer professional teeth whitening that involves more extensive treatment to whiten your teeth within a short while.
If you must use baking soda to whiten your teeth, brush your teeth with a mixture of two tablespoons of water and one tablespoon of baking soda. You can also opt for toothpaste containing baking hydrogen peroxide and baking soda for your teeth whitening. The research found that toothpaste with these ingredients is more effective for teeth whitening than regular toothpaste.
You can visit Chatfield Dental Braces to book a consultation for professional teeth whitening in London from an experienced dentist. You can also call now for an appointment.