Home Improvement

DIY Tips to Maintain & Clean Your House Rugs & Carpets

DIY Tips to Maintain & Clean Your House Rugs & Carpets

You want to bring that extra charm to your place. And what better way to do that than installing rugs and carpets on the floors? But the problem with them is that over time they tend to accumulate unwanted dirt, stains, dirt, grime, animal hair (if you have pets) and whatnot.

Rugs and carpets are, in fact, home to myriads of microorganisms including mould, bacteria, pollen particles, and pathogens, among others. This is why rug and carpet cleaning is absolutely necessary to maintain their dignity and look.

And when it comes to rug cleaning near me, there are certain things that you want to keep in mind. In this post, we will cover those areas in brief so that you find it easier to restore your carpets and rugs to a fresh new look.

Frequent vacuum cleaning

While it may seem obvious but most people, if not all, tend to overlook this important step that is incredibly beneficial for keeping your home’s rugs and carpets clean at all times. Vacuuming them frequently means you are taking solid measures to beat dirt, dust, and debris away.

Otherwise, if the time comes when the debris manages to penetrate deep into the fabric, it becomes a lot more difficult to take them out.

Now before vacuuming, it pays to give your carpet a hard shake to beat away any trapped debris. Using the suction-only feature of your vacuum is more effective than using the rotary brush. This will help you avoid any damage to the carpet’s fibres. If it suits, you can sprinkle some antibacterial powders on them to keep the disease-causing germs at bay. Dusting your carpet underside is helpful too – do this at least once a month.

Leave the shoes away

Using doormats can make a whole new difference to how you maintain your house carpets and rugs. After installing them, it is suggested that you completely avoid wearing shoes inside the house. This is because shoes have the potential to ruin the fabric over time.

Some research studies have confirmed that the chemicals used in road building are toxic to homes. When your shoes end up picking these chemicals up and leaving them on the fabric of your carpet, it causes a great deal of damage. Carpets and rugs work like a magnet that attracts everything that your shoes pick up. So, be careful about wearing shoes inside your house.

DIY Hacks for Managing Tough Stains

Experts swear by these Do-It-Yourself hacks that you can try too to get rid of the toughest of stains from your rugs and carpets. Let us explore them right away:

  • Shaving cream can come to your aid

Did you know that shaving cream is effective in removing stains? This trick is tested and recommended by professionals. They work wonders when it comes to removing the heaviest stains from your rugs and carpets. You just need a plentiful amount of the cream to apply to the concerned area. Let it dry for at least 30 to 45 minutes. Once the area gets dried, blot the area using a white cotton cloth. This will help you get rid of the unwanted stain on the surface of your rugs and carpets.

  • Vinegar and warm water solution

Take wine vinegar and warm water in equal quantities and mix them together. Use the mixture to get rid of the toughest stains caused by red wine, coffee, or maybe mud. Some prefer using club soda with vinegar instead of using lukewarm water. Once created, make sure you spray the solution onto the concerned area and let it rest for 15-20 minutes. Then use a sponge or white cotton cloth to blot the area. If you are dealing with something like mud, leave the concerned area to dry and make sure you vacuum it later.

  • Stains and spillages are emergencies

The more you wait to clear a stain or coffee spillage, the more time you give them to set in. And the harder it becomes to remove it away. Blotting the spot instead of scrubbing is yet another helpful trick that will do.

Not using coloured cloth is a must. They might transfer the dye to your carpet, adding to the problem even more. Simply, you can use a white piece of cotton cloth, dampen it a little bit using water, and blot the affected area until all the liquid is absorbed. Once you are done cleaning the stain, let your rug dry for at least 3 to 4 hours.

  • Washable rugs are your lifesaver

The woes of buying non-washable rugs cannot be described in words. If you invest in machine-washable rugs, you know you will have a great time cleaning them without a fuss. Not only does your rug becomes clean but you are also putting effort to keep disease-causing bacteria at bay.

If your carpets are under direct sun exposure, make sure you keep rotating them from time to time. This is because the UV rays could make their patterns fade out over time. This is an especially important step that you never want to avoid. Whether you have an antique or royally handmade carpet or rug in your house, since they are delicate and more prone to suffer from daily wear and tear, make sure you follow these tactics.

  • Protection from pets

Pets love that soft and smooth feeling of the fibre of rugs. Sometimes, they chew on the fabric material, inflictng bite marks and other damage. However, by being a little more careful, you can make a lot of difference.

All you need to do is to buy rugs, specifically designed for pet owners. You can also buy dark-coloured materials. Once in a while, your rugs will love professional cleaning and spray to keep pet urine odour, pet hair, and mud at bay.

Final Words

Carpets and rugs are aesthetically pleasing. We bet you will love some professional cleaning for them to extend their lifespan and maintain their beauty. At Vip Carpet Cleaning London Ltd. we are committed to cleaning home carpets and rugs at an unbeatable price. So, why not call in professional cleaners like us? Let us provide you with a quote so that you can have an overview of how much professional rug cleaning London can be.

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