Yoga & Meditation

Bakasana/Kakasana: Method, Benefits & Precautions


Bakasana is actually a Sanskrit word that breakdowns into two in which ‘Baka” means ‘crane’ and ‘asana’ mean posture. Similarly, the Kakasana is also a Sanskrit word, if we break it the ‘Kaka’ means ‘Crow’ and ‘asana’ means posture.

These both postures are the arm balancing postures that provides strength to your hands. There are schools like Drishtiyogshala in India that practices and provides the best  500 hour yoga teacher training. They focus on all the forms of strength and knowledge-building yoga practices.

Methods of Bakasana / Kakasana

Bakasana or Kakasana both asanas are not easy, they require strength and you can do it with the help of a yoga teacher, there are programs like the 200 hour yoga teacher training program, which is the basic level of course but with the help of world’s best teaching staff to help you with the asanas like these.

You can follow the following methods of Bakasana or Kakasana:

  • Begin in a squatting position with your feet hip-width apart and your hands on the ground in front of you.
  • Place your hands shoulder-width apart and spread your fingers wide.
  • Press your hands firmly into the ground and shift your weight forward, so that your knees come to rest on the backs of your upper arms.
  • Slowly lift your feet off the ground, first one foot and then the other, and balance on your hands.
  • Keep your core engaged and your gaze forward, and hold the pose for as long as you can.
  • To come out of the pose, slowly lower your feet back to the ground and come back into a squatting position.

Benefits of Bakasana and Kakasana

Yoga helps us with many benefits, just like the Bakasana and Kakasana are the forms of yoga postures which help us to strengthen our mind and body. 

There are many benefits of both asanas, here are some of them:

  1. Strengthens the arms, wrists, and shoulders.
  2. Tones the abdominal muscles and improves core strength.
  3. Improves balance and concentration.
  4. Stretches the upper back and opens the hips.
  5. Develops confidence and courage.

With the benefits of every practice in yoga asanas, there are some precautions that you must keep in mind while performing difficult yoga postures like Bakasana/Kakasana.

Here are the Precautions for Bakasana and  Kakasana:

  1. Do not attempt this pose if you have wrist or shoulder injuries.
  2. Do not hold the pose for too long if you feel any discomfort or strain.
  3. Do not practice this pose if you are pregnant or menstruating.
  4. Always warm up with a few rounds of sun salutations or other yoga poses before attempting this pose.
  5. Use a yoga block or blanket under your head to provide extra support if needed.


This was the detailed information about the Bakasana and Kakasana, both the asanas are very similar to each other the only difference is the name of the asanas. Practicing both asanas is very useful for building strength and focus, and if you are looking for a place then you can join yoga schools like Drishtiyogshala that will help you to perform such yoga asanas along with many other forms of yoga as well.

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