
11 Ways to Implement Self-Care Into Your Day

Self-care can help boost your physical, mental, and emotional well-being, meaning it’s vital for everyone to implement it in one way or another. When our mental health begins to suffer, you need to instill new and healthier habits to help you continue throughout your day. Self-care is proven to benefit our psychiatric health and help us manage stress, while also assisting us in improving our overall quality of life. Self-care includes seeking psychiatric help and implementing other activities and habits to promote your health. If you’re looking for ways to implement self-care into your daily life, here are some ideas to get you started. 


Start your day with affirmations

Affirmations are the practice of thinking positively and encouraging self-empowerment. Starting your day off with some affirmations can help you get into a positive mindset and carry it throughout the rest of your day. Some popular affirmations you may have heard of are simple phrases such as “I am strong” or “I am confident.” Affirmations are customized to fit your own life experience. Think about some feedback loops you get caught in that put you in a negative mindset. Try to combat your negative thoughts with a positive phrase. For example, if you ever wake up frustrated because you missed your alarm clock, your affirmation might be “my body got the rest that it needed” so you don’t allow that to ruin your day. Remember, your affirmations should work for you, so come up with whatever can get you in the right mindset. 

Enjoy a warm beverage

You likely already begin your day with a cup of coffee as you scramble to get ready in the morning. Instead of rushing through this chance of bliss, try sitting down to enjoy your warm beverage in the morning. You can take your cup of coffee outside to enjoy on a walk or just sit out on your front porch and appreciate the cold morning air. Instead of chugging your mug as fast as you can, sitting down and relaxing offers your mind a moment of peace and relaxation. Get a brand new Belt Bag.

Do some stretching

Starting your day off with a little movement can help you wake up and evoke positive emotions that you’ll carry as you take on the day. Exercise benefits your physical and mental health, so incorporating some light movement into your morning is the perfect way to implement self-care into your daily routine. You can try yoga or basic stretches, or if you like cardio, go on a brief stroll or run. If you enjoy guided exercise, sign up for a morning workout class online or in person. You’ll quickly realize how much of a positive effect physical activity can have on the rest of your day. 


Too many of us skip breakfast. Skipping your first meal in the morning can negatively affect your mental and physical health. Breakfast helps break up our overnight fasting period, so by the time you wake up, your body is desperate for some nutrition and sustenance. If you skip breakfast regularly, make time in the morning for at least a small meal to hold you off until lunch. Eating breakfast in the morning helps you get the energy you need to continue throughout the day and avoid those all-too-familiar moments of being “hangry.” 


Sometimes, clutter can get in the way of our ability to focus. If you appreciate a neat space around to get things done, take a moment in the morning to declutter your home. Taking fifteen minutes to put things away, wash some dishes, or reorganize your space can bring tranquility to your mind and help keep your focus. 


Go on a walk

An afternoon walk is one of the best ways to break up your day and refocus for the rest of your day. Studies show that even a fifteen-minute walk helps to boost your energy levels and concentration for the second half of your workday. If you find that by afternoon, you’ve reached the mid-day slump, see if getting outside for a walk helps combat it.

Call a friend

Reconnecting with friends is a necessary part of social self-care. When you call a friend, your body releases tension and relaxes knowing you’re in a safe and comfortable space with them. Calling a friend helps calm your nervous system and quiet your mind. If you find yourself stressed or unable to focus by the afternoon, see if speaking with a friend helps to break up the day and bring your attention back to your responsibilities. Listening and speaking with a friend helps take you out of your head and racing thoughts, and focus on the other person instead. 

Drink some water

Do you ever reach the afternoon or the evening and realize you haven’t drank a sip of water? Rest assured knowing you’re not the only one. Many of us forget to hydrate throughout the day, leading to dehydration. Dehydration can negatively impact our mood, leading to feelings of anxiety, depression, and irritability. If you regularly forget to drink water, keep your water bottle within reaching distance and take a water break at some point in the afternoon. 



Journaling is a great way to reflect on your day. Journaling can help reduce stress, encourage critical thinking, and encourage learning more about yourself. By writing down your thoughts and feelings throughout the day, you help process your emotions and let go of things that bother you. It is also a great way to practice mindfulness and gratitude by writing down all the positive things that happened during your day. 

Start a nighttime routine

A nighttime routine can help alert your body that it’s time for bed, promoting better quality sleep. If you don’t already have a night-time routine, consider starting one. Some great things to include in your nighttime routine are drinking a cup of sleep-promoting tea, washing your face and brushing your teeth, doing a face mask, doing a sleep meditation, reading, and more. 

Turn off notifications

When it comes to winding down for the day, notifications and alerts from texts, social media, emails, and more are certainly not helping you get quality sleep. Improving your sleep is a vital part of self-care because it helps improve brain performance, boost your mood, and reduce your risk of contracting illnesses such as obesity, heart disease, and dementia. Your phone’s light and sounds can negatively impact your melatonin release, making it difficult to fall and stay asleep. If a lack of quality sleep affects your mood and overall life, this might be the self-care area you want to target. 

Making your self-care work for you

Now that you have a few ideas on implementing self-care into your life, it’s time to get started. Whether you go with some of the tactics named here or come up with self-care actions, what is most important is that your act(s) of self-care benefits you and helps improve your overall quality of life. With a bit of consistency, you’re on the right track. 

Ashley Nielsen

Ashley Nielsen earned a B.S. degree in Business Administration Marketing at Point Loma Nazarene University. She is a freelance writer who loves to share knowledge about general business, marketing, lifestyle, wellness, and financial tips. During her free time, she enjoys being outside, staying active, reading a book, or diving deep into her favorite music. 

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