
Queensland boaties rescued after drifting out to sea in tinnie

Two Queensland boaties have been rescued after drifting out to sea in a tinnie off the coast of Bundaberg.

It's believed the boaties' tinnie had been impacted by heavy rains and and storms in the area and the boat's electronics had failed.

The two occupants noticed they were being swept by the current, activating an emergency beacon around 9am.

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A rescue chopper was called by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) to search for the stranded occupants.

"The helicopter crew located the boat around 10 miles off the coast and lowered a radio to the occupants so they could communicate with authorities," a spokesperson from RACQ Lifeflight said.

Rescue crews learnt the boaties were safe, calling on Bundaberg's Volunteer Marine Rescue to tow them to safety.

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They were unharmed during the incident.

The rescue was a joint operation by VMR, Queensland Police, the FV Ventura fishing vessel and the Australian Maritime Safety Authority.

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