
These 5 SEO Myths are Wasting Your Time

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Who doesn’t want to rank high on SERPs and get that enormous amount of traffic faster and easier? But, it definitely isn’t easy to get high in on SEO with only a little effort, is it? And, with all the SEO myths doing the rounds on the internet, it becomes only more difficult. This is why people are substantially depending upon hired SEO services in India to take care of all the SEO tasks for their websites to help their pages to rank higher. Even though you’ll make a wise decision when you plan on hiring such SEO professionals, but just to keep you on the right track, we also list some of the many misconceptions from the SEO world in this blog that you should stay miles away from.

Myth 1 – You must have a high percentage of links in your content

There was a time when Google considered more links in the content as a positive factor and ranked pages with more links higher. But, this led to people stuffing their content with links, in the greed of ranking higher, without considering whether the links were relevant and useful or not. This led to bad SEO practices, which pressurized Google to come up with a solution – the Penguin update that happened on 24th April 2012 – which addressed problems of keyword stuffing and link schemes. Thus, you need to have good content and a natural link profile to achieve good rankings.

Myth 2 – You must have a high keyword density in your content

Keywords are important, but that doesn’t mean you stuff your content with keywords. You should keep in mind the number of keywords you are putting in. Content should be written naturally, with the focus being on readability, and not keyword density. There is no ideal keyword density percentage to improve rankings in Google. So, don’t focus on the number of keywords, rather the quality of your content.

Myth 3 – Syndicate content is bad

Copied content is definitely a bad practice, but syndicate content isn’t. Now, what’s the difference between the two? Copied content is when one simply copies a piece of content on their blog or page; or, when the entire piece of content is kept the same with only a few replacements of words, phrases, and sentences, trying to provide a different version of the same content. But, syndicate content is when a third party publishes an article taken from a source while mentioning it and giving the source the entire credit. Hence, syndicate content does not violate Private Label Rights as the original author keeps the ownership of the article and offers a Creative Commons license for reposting the content.

Myth 4 – Social signals don’t impact rankings in SERPs

The likes on Facebook and Twitter definitely don’t count towards Google rankings. But, they definitely have a positive influence on shares and engagement. You build a brand and put up a successful activity on your social accounts and create engagement, which will attract a large audience and send them to your site. Thus, you indirectly drive traffic to your website and influence your ranking on Google. Moreover, the incoming audience will share your content and amplify it organically, thus boosting your SEO efforts. Long story short, social signals have an indirect impact on both SEO and search rankings.

Myth 5 – Tabbed content can penalize your website

Tabbed content is used to keep the site clean, without overcrowding the content. When a user lands on a page, he can click on the tab to read what interests him and leave the rest of the content hidden. But, as much as this strategy proved useful for users, it confused Google into believing that the website was hiding text from the users. Because bots could not read the hidden text, they couldn’t index or rank the page, but this does not mean that Google penalized the site thinking that it was a bad practice. Google penalizes websites that deceptively use hidden text, but not all hidden text is considered deceptive. In fact, JavaScript for tabbed content that includes hidden text is an accepted example within Google’s Webmaster Guidelines. Thus, your site won’t be penalized if you use hidden text in a non-spammy way.

So, here are the 5 most popularly believed SEO myths debunked for you! So, get rid of them and use the 5 most positively affecting SEO elements on your website instead.

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