The Monstera Minima(Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma) is truly a special houseplant. Originally it comes from the southern part of Asia, including Thailand. There the plant winds itself around tall trees and can grow up to 6 meters in length!
This fast grower also does well in our climate. It is a strong houseplant that is quite easy to care for. You can read all about it on this page.
Many people call this a Monstera Minima because the plant resembles a small version of the well-known Monstera hole plant. Officially, the botanical name is not Monstera, but Rhapidophora. This Monstera Minima is actually called Rhapidophora Tetrasperma.
The difference is in the dimensions, but also in the growth habit. With Monstera’s, the indentations and holes appear in the leaf after it has already been rolled out. Those holes are already in the Rhapidophora. You can see that clearly in the photo below. The young leaf already has the characteristic notches.
Incidentally, Monstera and Rhapidophora do fall within the same family: Aracaea (Arum family). This includes, for example, the beautiful Anthurium Clarinervium .

Table of Contents
Monstera Minimum care
Pitch and light
The Monstera Minima is a climbing plant. Keep this in mind when choosing a location so that the plant has room to grow. A moss stick is often chosen for support. If the plant gets too high, it can always be pruned. More on that later.
The Monstera Minima does not make such high demands with regard to light requirements. This plant will do fine in both a light and shady spot. Keep in mind that choosing a shady spot will affect the appearance of the plant. The leaves are then smaller and have fewer (or no) notches.
If you choose a light location, pay attention to the sun. In the morning the sun may be on the plant, but in the afternoon it is quickly too hot. Avoid a window where the sun is shining in the afternoon.
The Rhapidophora Tetrasperma is native to the tropical regions of Asia. So you would say that this plant needs heat to grow well.
Fortunately, it is a very strong plant and also does well at normal room temperatures. The only thing to keep in mind is that the temperature should not fall below 10 degrees. That can cause damage to the plant.

Water Monstera Minima
Watering is one of the most important points in taking care of your Monstera Minima. The most important thing to keep in mind is that the soil should never be too wet or too dry. That sounds complicated, but it is actually very simple.
It is important to water according to the needs of the plant. So as much as the plant consumes, that’s how much you give. In the spring and summer this will be more than during the winter. Check the need for water by sticking your finger in the soil. Is the top few inches dry? Then you can water. Is the top layer of the earth still wet? Then wait a minute.
In any case, it is best to give a little less. Better too little than too much. The Monstera Minima can handle it if you water a day later. On the other hand, root rot can occur if the soil is soggy for too long. This also applies to this entire family of plants, including the Monstera Karstenianum (officially Philodendron Karstenianum) .
Soil and pot
The choice of a pot is important because this plant can grow quite quickly. If the plant grows quickly, the roots will also grow quickly. So they need a lot of space. In addition, always provide a pot with a drainage hole at the bottom. This allows excess water to flow out of the pot. Placing clay granules under the earth helps with this.
With regard to the potting soil, this plant makes few demands. A normal potting soil for house plants is fine.

A plant in a pot is completely dependent on what you give it. This applies to water, but also to food. Of course there are nutrients in the potting soil, but a fast grower like the Monstera Minima uses them up quickly. To keep your plant beautiful and to grow well, it is therefore necessary to feed it.
You can use a normal houseplant food for this. If you have the choice, opt for an organic variant. Always read the instructions on the packaging carefully. Houseplant food is often highly concentrated. If you give too much, it can cause damage to the plant.
The same applies to plant food as to water: according to the plant’s needs. That means only feeding in the spring and summer. In the beginning of autumn you can still reduce, but in winter you do not give anything more.
Pruning Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma
Pruning is not necessarily necessary for the health of the plant, but you can use it to make the plant more beautiful. Simply remove the dead leaves from the plant.
You can also use pruning to make the plant fuller. When you cut a tendril you stimulate the plant to split from that point. Then probably two will grow back! You can also let the cut pieces take root and grow into new plants. More about that below.

Many plants that we keep as houseplants originate from tropical regions. Because the humidity is high there, they also need it here. A good example of this is the Maranta . This tropical plant often gets brown leaves in our living rooms. The humidity is much lower here.
The Monstera Minima also comes from the tropics, but you will notice that the plant does well with a lower humidity. So you don’t have to spray the plant.
By the way, you can do this. By spraying regularly you prevent dust from remaining on the leaves. This keeps the plant beautiful and allows it to grow better.
Monstera Minima cuttings
This plant is a strong and fast grower. So we can cut it quite easily. You can do this by cutting off a piece of stem that still has a leaf and an aerial root. You place these in water and from there the new roots emerge.
This process is the same for all Monsteras. We have described this process in detail, with pictures, on the Monstera Adansonii (Monkey Mask) cuttings page .

Frequently asked questions and problems
Is the Monstera Minima poisonous?
Unfortunately, the Monstera Minima is poisonous when ingested. So don’t bring this plant into your home if you have small children or pets.
So you prefer not to take any risks, but if you really want it, you could keep it as a hanging plant. Then he hangs out of reach of grabbing hands. As soon as the plant grows too tall, you should prune it back.
Why do the holes in the leaves disappear?
Does the plant produce new leaves without a hole? That is usually an indication that the Monstera Minima is getting too little light. Move it to a spot with more light and you will see that the following leaves have holes again.
Please note that it should not be in direct sunlight. That can scorch the leaves. Lots of indirect light is best.

Botanical name | Rhaphidophora Tetrasperm |
Also known as | Monstera Minima |
Pitch | Indirect sunlight |
Water | Keep slightly moist |
Toxic? | Yes |