Mental Health, the Secondary Global Pandemic

Mental Health

Countries around the world continue to mobilize to contain the spread of the corona virus, mental health experts say we can’t lose sight of another alarming issue: the long-term mental health impact the pandemic is going to leave on society. Infectious disease outbreaks, like the current coronavirus/COVID-19, can be scary and can affect our mental health. Some countries currently have universal medical care; but things like psychotherapy, which has proven to be an effective treatment for mental health problems generally aren’t funded publicly. During this crisis people truly need to look into their personal healthcare insurance and work towards making sure they have coverage for therapy; as even post pandemic, many will struggle in a new normal world. Those that have experienced quarantine may be the most vulnerable to suffer post trauma symptoms, needing therapy. The CDC states ‘It can be stressful to be separated from others if a healthcare provider thinks you may have been exposed to COVID-19, even if you do not get sick. Everyone feels differently after coming out of quarantine.

Emotional reactions to coming out of quarantine may include: ~ Mixed emotions, including relief after quarantine. ~ Fear and worry about your own health and the health of your loved ones. ~ Stress from the experience of monitoring yourself or being monitored by others for signs and symptoms of COVID-19. ~ Sadness, anger, or frustration because friends or loved ones have unfounded fears of contracting the disease from contact with you, even though you have been determined not to be contagious. ~ Guilt about not being able to perform normal work or parenting duties during quarantine. ~ Other emotional or mental health changes.

Isolation during quarantine can have deep impact on relationships, both romantic and social. Developing and maintaining intimacy is difficult during these times. Living under a lock down situation does on allow for the personal growth and space most people are used to enjoying which can lead to anger, depression and frustration, all affecting mental health. Social isolation can cause loneliness and lock down with family members only can cause frustration. One key to working through these challenges is to be open and honest instantly upon conflict in any situation, and patience is a practice we all must learn to maintain loving relationships of any kind. What comes after the pandemic is over and people are able to get back to whatever their normal may be?

Be Prepared for Change

Many people are fearful of change, both the expected and unexpected they need to experience in order to live life with greater freedom and happiness. Like the acorn that has to die in order to be reborn as an oak tree, we are all in the midst of being transformed. With that transformation, we can become more compassionate, caring people who offer our unique gifts in the service of a larger whole. After months inside a lock down, many families have experienced a multitude of reaction to change. Domestic abuse is on the rise; yet, many families have drawn closer through how to rise from pandemic crisis. Online or telephone therapy is always available to those in crisis at home. Reaction to change is an emotion; taking action to it is a choice. Change offers us the possibility of growing beyond our perceived limitations to the fullness of our divine potential. What will happen to all the people that do not have jobs to go back to due to an inevitable financial crisis?

Make a Plan

By ignoring the conventional career rules, you’ll radically increase your chances of finding something you love. During this time of lock down, investigate all new opportunities that may suit Your personality and talents well. If you are currently under contract to a business that is showing signs of closure or have already ended contracts, make a plan. The average person will change careers 5-7 times during their working life according to career change statistics. With an ever increasing number of career choices, 30% of the workforce will now change careers or jobs every 12 months, so breathe!


Chances are that our world will never be the same again, so work to accept this fact, stay healthy, get advice or therapy online during moments of anxiety or meltdown and most importantly remember that we are all in this together. You are not alone.

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