Top 5 Information Security Blogs Site To Follow

Information Security

Information security blogs are considered as a great way to get the info which can be discovered online. It does not matter you are a security expert, searching for a career in this field, or else merely have an interest in the recent cyber threats and security landscape. For a few people, they are getting learning practice, while for some other ones they are inspiring, however; they are the best mode of the line to have fun to read what can occasionally be a prejudiced and ironic part of the content. The reason is whatever, giving an impression to the blogs of information security is an everyday task for so many individuals.

Top 5 Information Security Blogs

Here, you would get modern researchers, valued security dealers, and some of the renowned media websites. We have tried our best to make a compilation of a good combination of blogs that consists of the ones – which are running by researchers and the ones that are an aspect of big companies and organizations.

We encompass comments, newscasts on topmost highlighted data breaches, beneficial tutorials, and many more exciting aspects. If a person has obtained information security certifications from InfoSec Academy and likewise has an interest in information security-related blogs to read, then one must have to ensure to bookmark it. Furthermore, we would also love to know about your most preferred blog on information security. Moreover, we have made a list of only five blogs.

Krebs on Security

It’s among the topmost significant blogs within the industry. The publisher of this blog Brian Krebs is already encompassed in the top ten listings of information security legends. This author is a renowned analytical broadcaster, whose task is to keep covering cyber threats and computer security. He also earned a great number of awards in the previous years; furthermore, he was labeled as C-I-S-O MAG Cybersecurity Person-of-the-Year.

Remarkably, Kreb doesn’t have any proper tech background in the domain of security, though once gets hacked by Lion worm two times, he then generated a passion to provide security to the computer – which is not stopped yet. The previous Washington Post broadcaster initiated Krebs on the Security in the year of 2009, as he brings out analytical series to uncover the cyber threat groups, highly profile data-breaches, most recent cybercrimes, and detailing on such inquiries which can’t be available any other place.

His great involvement in the network security field has let him the accessibility to main sources – which in return taking down numerous groups of a hacker. His proficiency in the dark side of the Internet provided the Krebs valued and exclusive visions on the evolving cybercrimes and complexity of the groups of cybercrime.

Schneier on Security

Bruce Schneier is the one who is considered as a world-famous information security expert, criticizer, and analyst. There is not any doubt that this blog is fundamentally on the top of the list. The author runs his bulletin “Crypto-Gram” from the period of 1994 – whereas he is running his blog from the year 2004. He is famous for unrepentant security criticizer; who was extremely active since the post-9/11 T-S-A period, once he severely criticized the state of terror initiated by T-S-A, known as “Security Theater.” His perceptive on the significance of confidentiality and security along with a dash of inventive storytelling turn out this blog more influential than one need to add in their bookmarks.

Daniel Miessler

Daniel Miessler is a domain of interests, study, and ideas on his blog would be greatly defined with these three words: a person, tech, and security. In the course of his wide career, Miessler wrote a great number of articles along with the themes that include infosec, technology-based tutorials, ethical pieces, education, and creativeness.

He is recently working at O-W-A-S-P I-o-T Security Project, as well as running a remarkable newsletter every week – which covers the podcasts, great books, and blogs in the field of information security. This blog is divided into four main groups – creativity, information security, tech, philosophy; this author improves every post along with their principle. Miessler involves the person who reads their blog with challenging content, theoretical writing – which is dealing with businesses.

Zero-Day (ZD-Net)

Zero Day is a security-related blog offered by ZD-Net, and among the top one for fresh information security and cybersecurity newscast. The most exciting thing about this blog is that it is offering 24/7 reporting of the entire news of security and tech. If any of the things are occurring in the information security world, it is on Zero-Day.

It does not matter what your role is in the IT, you would find anything interested in ZDNet: as its key website enables a person to keep following for breaking newscast on the data breaches. Recently exposed susceptibilities and active cyber threats, evolving tech trends, recently launched software and its patches, and many more. Their site features types include Cloud and Artificial Intelligence, Security, Enterprise Software, along with Zero-Day blog focus on most recent security research.


For many people, while we search for some of the hot topics of industry, Threat-post comes to mind with the ZD-Net. It owns power in the field of security newscast, and it takes along most updated things in main phishing scams, security breaches, threats, susceptibilities, and hacks. The Threat-post’s topics are cloud security, susceptibilities, malware, smartphone security, Internet of Things, and confidentiality.


Here in this blog, we have discussed the best five information security blogs, and we are hoping that as soon as you are reviewing these acquainted names, you must have attained some of the knowledge about them. We are assuming that makes it a routine to give a thorough look at a minimum of one article – even once in a day is turning out the best way to deal with such network threats. So that you would know about current and evolving threats too.

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