
Multiple ways to prepare students for AI-Powered future

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The future impacts of artificial intelligence (AI) on our society and the workforce have been studied and reported consistently. 

Artificial intelligence refers to computer systems that accumulate, interpret and learn from external data to achieve particular goals and tasks. Contrary to the natural intelligence showcased by humans and animals, it appears as an artificial form of intelligence highlighted by machines. This has resulted in several questions about the ethics of AI decision-making and the impacts of AI in the education sector as well.

Now, the significant questions to ask would be, how are educational institutions responding to this challenge?

  • Learning materials that are easily comprehendible

Reading convoluted texts, particularly when they are filled with idioms and difficult sentence structures, can be hard for many students with developmental disabilities. To make these details more intelligible, the implementation of AI is a great idea.

With the use of AI-powered features, students with learning difficulties should find it convenient to relate and engage with the learning materials. Such features can provide the liberty to simplify or replace complex sentences with simpler alternatives.

  • Advanced learning  software can be used to meet students’ needs

One of the prominent ways AI will boost the learning process of the students is through the application of higher levels of individualised learning. For instance, students can use AI-enabled essay typer tools for preparing high quality essays.

These AI-enabled systems react to the requirements of the students, emphasising more on some topics, repeating things that students haven’t fully absorbed. All in all, such systems assist students in working at their own pace.

This kind of individualised education could be a machine-assisted solution to helping students at various academic levels to collaborate with each other, with teachers fostering the learning and offering adequate support when required. Adaptive learning has already experienced a massive impact on education, and as AI continues to evolve in the next few decades, adaptive programs like these will likely only develop further.

  • Point out where the courses can be more enriching

It may not always be possible for the teacher to find gaps in their lectures and materials that seem confusing to the students. AI offers a brilliant way to resolve that problem. The massive open online course providers like Udemy and Coursera have already put this into practice.

This type of system effectively mends the gaps in the explanation of different subjects and helps ensure that all students maintain the same conceptual foundation. This way, students don’t have to wait to hear back from the teachers. They receive instant feedback that lets them grasp a concept and remind them how to do it right the next time around.

  • Students are able to find more support from AI tutors

While there are obvious perks of interacting with human tutors that machine won’t provide, at least not yet. Some tutoring programs that rely on AI already exist and allow students to receive assistance on basic mathematics, writing, and other subjects.

These systems can teach students about the basics, but so far aren’t completely suitable for guiding students to learn critical thinking and creativity. This is something that real-world teachers are still in charge of. Yet that shouldn’t undermine the possibility of AI tutors being able to take on these significant responsibilities in the future. With the brisk pace of advancement in the past few decades, advanced tutoring programs won’t be a pipe dream.

  • Ample score for feedback from both sides

AI not only equips the teachers and students to be a part of the personalised learning environment customised to their needs. It can disseminate necessary feedback to both about the efficacy of the course. Some schools that are also using learning management systems frequently rely on AI to track the students’ progress and to inform professors when there might be an issue with a student’s academic performance.

The AI systems let students provide the guidance they need and allow professors to find areas where they can simplify the lessons for students who may be struggling with the subject.

  • The trial and error approach to learning is less confusing

As with any domain, trial and error is an integral part of education as well, but for countless students, the idea of failure, or even unfamiliarity with the answer, is harrowing.

AI could offer students a path to learn in a relatively judgment-free environment, especially since AI assistants can offer solutions for growth.

  • Automation of activities

It’s no secret that AI is perfectly capable of automating general activities in education, like grading. In high schools, grading assignments and tests for courses can be a cumbersome process. Even in lower academic levels, teachers often notice that grading takes up a humongous chunk of time that could be invested in helping the students or preparing for class.

But it’s now possible for teachers to successfully automate the grading process for practically all kinds of multiple-choice and fill-in-the-blank testing.


It’s true that artificial intelligence has redefined the standard way of teaching and receiving education. That’s why institutions are investing heavily to make AI a vital part of their education system. This clearly indicates that AI won’t be just a passing trend in the sphere of education.

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