
What is the most common benign bone tumor in adults ?

Benign Bone Tumor

Benign tumours – how are they defined:

The majority of bone-related cancers are benign tumours which are not cancer. As a result, benign tumours won’t move from their initial spot to another.

Any bone in your skeletal system, in any area of the bone, is susceptible to developing a tumour. The femur, pelvis, humerus, tibia, spine, and ribs are generally the largest and most frequently affected bones.

In particular areas, like the spine or close to the bone growth in your hip, knee, or shoulder, certain tumour types are more prevalent.

Are benign bone tumours common?

Benign bone tumours are most prevalent in individuals under 30 years of age. The majority of benign bone cancers are diagnosed in youngsters whose skeletons are still developing.

After a kid achieves skeletal maturity, that’s the point at which bones stop maturing in length, many benign tumours actually stop growing. Typically, skeletal maturity happens at the age of 14 and 16 in females and 16 and 19 in boys.

The major symptoms that benign bone tumours can indicate:

The most significant symptom of benign bone tumour is pain.

Many patients discover they have benign bone tumours after consulting a physician for bone discomfort. Other tumour indicators may include:

  • Bump or lump in the affected area
  • Inflammation or swelling of the affected bone
  • Fractures of the bone due to the weakness

These indications may be related by other ailments, therefore it is essential to consult the doctor if you experience anything out of the ordinary. Reach out to a Best Ortho Doctor in Coimbatore, if you notice any signs mentioned above.

Growing children are susceptible to developing these tumours. Occasionally benign bone tumours are formed by growth hormones which affect both girls and boys during their puberty. Typically after the bones achieve maturity, these tumours will stop developing.

Understanding most prevalent types of of benign bone tumours:

These are the most common kinds of benign bone tumours:


The cartilage is where this kind of tumour starts. These tumours are found in the marrow cavity inside the bone.

Non-ossifying fibroma:

This is the most commonly used type of bone tumour in children. They typically subside on their own, and X-rays are usually the only way to find out about them.


This kind of tumour is composed of cartilage and bone, it can get bigger as the skeleton grows. These growths happen outside of the bone.


Often, this sort of tumour is excised since its growth affects neighbouring joints. It is prevalent in children and therefore can cause severe discomfort. 

Fibrous dysplasia: 

This is a frequent bone tumour that can manifest as a single tumour or as a cluster of tumours. Typically, surgery is not required until the size of the tumour causes the bone to become weaker.

Chondromyxoid fibroma:

This extremely uncommon form of tumour that originates in the bone marrow. Surgery is an effective way to treat these types of timours.

Unicameral [simple] bone cysts (UBC): 

These tumours are typically located in close proximity to growth plates, and they are frequently discovered after they have weakened the bone to the point where it fractured. Surgery to perform a bone transplant or a combination of certain procedures may be required.

Among these types of benign bone tumours, osteochondroma is the most common type of benign bone tumours.  Consult a best orthopedic hospital in Coimbatore, to get any types of the benign bone tumours.

The different types of diagnostic procedures that help in identifying benign bone tumours:

First, your doctor will inquire about the previous health. The doctor will ask about medicine you take, what illnesses or injuries you’ve had, and symptoms you are experiencing. They will also do a medical examination to find out more about where and how bad your pain is, as well as how it affects your ability to move and do things.

The doctor may also recommend a few advanced imaging tests to identify the tumours. Few major diagnosis include,

  • X-rays
  • MRI Scan
  • CT scan
  • Bone Scan
  • PET Scan

In case the tumour is not able to detect whether it is cancerous or benign a biopsy is requiredAn image-guided biopsy involves an interventional radiologist taking a tissue sample from a malignancy in the bone. The tissue sample will be examined by a specialized musculoskeletal pathologist. 

The methods that are involved in the treatment of benign bone tumours:

Most bone tumours are harmless and don’t need treatment because they don’t cause any problems. In these cases, the doctor will carefully monitor your tumour to make sure it doesn’t develop or begin affecting your quality of life. Some tumours in children may even go away  completely as the bones get stronger over time.

But some benign bone tumours grow quickly and cause a lot of pain, which makes it hard to do normal things. When this happens, your orthopaedic oncologist may suggest Bone Tumour Removal Surgery to remove the tumour while causing as little damage as possible to the healthy tissues around it. 

Few treatment methods include:


Cryosurgery is a medical procedure that involves extreme cold that are generated by certain chemical compounds or gas. It is  a local based treatment that targets the specific affected region to destroy the abnormal cells. 

Radiofrequency ablation:

Radiofrequency ablation or RFA, is an interventional radiology treatment that utilizes radio waves to heat up abnormal cells and kill them. Heat is a very good way to destroy the benign growth and prevent them from further progressing.


In some instances, your physician may consider removing the tumour by carefully removing the benign tumour through surgical procedures. This is one of the most common benign bone tumor treatments in adults.

Prognosis of the benign bone tumour:

The prognosis for those who have benign bone tumours is excellent. Treatment is an option, and it brings complete relief from pain. The benign bone tumours are generally never life-threatening, and their chances of turning cancerous are less than 1%. Reach out to a bone cancer treatment in Coimbatore, to get complete recovery from benign bone tumours.

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