Hair Care

How Does Diet Affect Your Hair Health

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Want a great head of hair? Want to have luscious locks? Then you need to consider a lot of factors. In order to get your hair healthy and in the best condition possible, it’s important to stay on a healthy diet. If you’re diet is poor, your hair will become dry, brittle, and have split ends. If you’re diet is rich, you’ll experience a lot of breakage and an oily, greasy appearance. It’s also important to make sure you’re eating a healthy diet to make sure you’re getting the vitamins and minerals your body needs.

However, one factor that you can change and have control over is your diet. You can modify it as per your will and can get it to work for you instead of against you. What you eat can either make you or it can break you.

Proteins and minerals help in proper growth of hair. If you do not consume proper nutrients then you may experience hair loss.

If you are experiencing hair loss due to a lack of vitamins and proteins then you can change your diet to suit your needs and then you could effectively control your hair loss.

The hair follicles are made of proteins and hence it is necessary that you have adequate intake of proteins. If you do not eat enough proteins then it can lead to hair loss.

The production of Keratin which is a hair protein demands for the proper intake of biotin.

  • Keratin: Keratin is a protein found in the outer layer of the hair, skin, and nails. It is a long and strong protein that can help maintain the health of these three parts of the body.
  • Biotin: Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin. It is used by the body to help the body make energy from the food that is eaten. Biotin is found in many foods, but the richest sources are found in whole grains, dairy products, and vegetables. Biotin is also found in egg yolks and the liver.

If biotin supplements are taken by people with biotin deficiency then even their hair growth issues can be resolved. That is why we see doctors prescribing biotin supplements to hair loss patients.

Free radicals can cause damage to the hair follicles. Therefore, if antioxidants are taken then it helps prevent any damage caused by these molecules. Vitamin C has a lot of antioxidant properties. Vitamin E also has antioxidants that help neutralize free radicals. Furthermore vitamin C is required to make collagen. Collagen prevents the hair follicles from becoming brittle. Vitamin C also causes the body to take in more iron from the food. Iron deficiency leads to anemia which in turn can cause more hair loss. Iron causes the red blood cells in the body to carry oxygen around the body.

Vitamin A is also very important for hair growth. It affects the production of sebum. Sebum keeps hair in a healthy state. Lack of vitamin A can cause hair loss also.

Berries, eggs etc can provide the above given vitamins and minerals.

Fishes can provide a good supplement of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids and antioxidants. They are instrumental in controlling hair loss. Omega 3 and Omega 6 are Important Nutrients for the Body.

Spinach, sweet potatoes, berries, avocados, nuts, seeds, etc have all the vitamins and minerals mentioned above. They can provide important vitamins that can help with the control of hair loss and promote further density.

Fishes like salmon, mackerel, sardines, etc give you omega 3 fatty acids which your body does not produce. Food like yogurt have vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid which prevent the thinning of hair and hair loss.

Spinach and kale are foods that have vitamin C, beta carotene, vitamin A, folate, etc which keep the scalp and hair moisturized thus preventing them from getting brittle and breaking up. Guava also has Vitamin C that can be helpful for your hair.

Cereals, grains, pastas, lentils, soybean, beef organs like liver etc, shellfish and dark leafy vegetables have iron which can prevent hair loss as a lack of iron in the diet can lead to hair loss.

A good diet is the key to having a good hair health. It also keeps your overall physique healthy and well.

People who have a habit of eating junk food and surviving on it usually face tremendous health issues. As a result, they also face issues of hair loss and hair damage. If one does not take care of what one is putting into the body then it could prove to be fatal in the long run.

If someone cares about their health and would love to maintain a thick hair naturally then a good diet is most important. One must take good care to intake as many healthy foods as possible.

All experts regarding hair have given importance to the diet of an individual when it comes to taking measures to stop hair loss. Eugenix Hair Sciences is a centre that provides hair transplant in gurgaon and has been providing information regarding the importance of a good diet in an individual’s life with regards to hair and its sustainance.

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