
Why the Best eCommerce SEO Company Won’t Have Purely Positive Reviews

Effectively every single online shopper will read reviews at some point during their journey along the purchase funnel. Upwards of 98% of consumers read reviews at some point or other, with somewhere about half reading reviews before every single purchase.

Now here’s the thing. This makes reviews critically important. But it also means that reviews must be trustworthy, and a lack of variety can harm a business’s reputation by making it seem disingenuous.

But what does this have to do with the best eCommerce SEO company? Let’s take a closer look.

eCommerce SEO Services and the Value of Reviews

Just as in the search for basically any services, looking for a quality eCommerce SEO expert for your online store can entail seeing what sorts of experiences customers have had.

Which means reading the reviews for SEO strategy and services providers can help a business owner make a decision one way or the other.

You understandably want to look for positive reviews in the search engine results, and the reviews and social media buzz should be overwhelmingly positive.

But there is a very serious reason that there should be at least one hair in the egg. To understand why, think about the last time you read reviews.

Did you ever see a product page with thousands, if not tens of thousands of reviews, and every single one was a five star review?

Follow up question: did you trust those reviews?

If not, why not?

Psychologically, it’s likely because it’s nearly impossible to get a thousand if not ten thousand people to agree on anything, much less the quality of some consumer goods.

Also, people tend to have different experiences and expectations. There’s always one disgruntled customer, no matter where you look.

This understandably applies to eCommerce SEO services providers. People are people, and sometimes they understand the process, and sometimes they don’t.

Because of this, there will always be clients that are not happy with the process, even if the services offered are excellent.

Nonetheless, some clients won’t be happy. Just take a look through any SEO company’s reviews and almost all of them will have some bad ones.

While this is often more a reflection on the customer than it is on the company itself, it shows credibility because it means the company isn’t actively censoring its review platforms.

The point is, a few bad reviews (while not inherently positive) will illustrate that the human element of the company is credible.

The bottom line is no company wants to have negative reviews, but if a company leaves a couple up, it means they’re actually working with real people and aren’t taking down negative reviews.

That alone is a massive mark of credibility and trustworthiness, even if the review itself is not positive.

Therefore, when you are looking for the best eCommerce SEO services company, if you are going to read reviews (and you should) it’s acceptable to find a few bad reviews. In fact, there should be some. If the stream is all positive, you should be highly suspicious.

Where to Start Your Search for the  

Not sure which eCommerce SEO company is the best for you? Start your search by industry and see if you can find one that specializes in what you sell. Or, you could ask for recommendations for digital marketing agencies from partners in your business.

Then, get started reading reviews, and remember, if you see one that has thousand or more reviews and not a single bad one, be leery about hiring that agency. Something is going on and you might not want to have to pay to find out.

For more information about Bigcommerce Developers and Woocommerce SEO Agency Please visit: 1Digital Agency.

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