
Considering an AR-15 with a Side-Charging Handle? Read This

Rear-charging ARs are the majority, and some argue along the lines of “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Others say that they are easier to manipulate in tight spaces, among other potential tactical advantages.

This has not stopped a loyal faction of the market from pursuing AR-15 with side-charging handles, colloquially known as “side chargers.”

If you’re looking at uppers for your next build and are considering a side charging upper (such as the G4 upper manufactured by Gibbz Arms) here are some of the more palpable benefits.

Superior Ergonomics and Handling

There is an argument to be made that both the handling and ergonomics of a side charger’s design are superior.

In an upper like the Gibbz G4, once the rifle is charged, the handle stays locked during operation. The handle won’t impact your hand or snag on cover or barriers, and you can adopt any grip you want without worrying about the movement of the charging handle.

Moreover, you won’t have to break your cheek weld in the event of a malfunction; or to manually cycle the action for any other reason.

Run the Bolt Carrier Group You Want

While it is true that some manufacturers require you to use a specific bolt carrier group with their side chargers, in the case of Gibbz Arms uppers, you can run any mil-spec bolt carrier group you want. All you need to do to render them compatible is replace the stock cam-pin with Gibbz’ enhanced cam-pin.

Inherent Snag Resistance

In some cases, an AR-15 with a side charging handle can be snag-prone, especially if the charging handle itself is very protuberant.

Due in part to operator feedback, Gibbz Arms patented charging handle sports a static non-folding design that is less likely to snag on gear, straps or other obstacles.

Its blunt shape will also reduce the pressure on the operator’s hand should it come in forceful contact with it.

General Durability

Specifically in the case of Gibbz Arms’ side chargers, the charging handle design is extremely robust and durable. It has been designed to handle a considerable amount of force, such as in the case that the operator needs to manually clear a malfunction.

Superior Sight Picture

The ability to maintain a solid cheek weld on the stock and cycle the charging handle with the support hand, upholds a clear, unfettered sight picture while shooting. This in turn can eliminate aberrations between shots and ensure a higher degree of accuracy where follow up shots are required.

Better Operation with Larger Optics

With a rear charging handle, optics typically need to be installed higher or farther forward than that which would be considered optimal, lest they interfere with manual cycling. This is not the case with most side-charging models, which allow unrestricted access to the top rail, and enable the optics to be mounted as considered ideal by the operator.

Cleaner Suppressed Shooting

In a traditional rear-charging upper, the operator is exposed to a fair amount of back pressure gases. This is generally not the case with side chargers and specifically not the case with Gibbz Arms’ uppers, which are made with a rear access door and charging handle slide cover that help keep gasses directed away from the shooter.

While this is a benefit under basically any conditions, it also results in much cleaner shooting for those that run a suppressor.

Want to Learn More About AR-15s with Side-Charging Handles?

This is only a very, very high level view of some of the advantages associated with AR-15s with side-charging handles, such as those manufactured by Gibbz Arms. for more information, visit their website to get started learning more about side chargers, or contact them directly if you have specific questions.

For more information about Side Charging Upper and Ar Upper Side Charging Please visit: Gibbz Arms.

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