
How to Identify and Treat Male Fertility Problems?


Various variables influence male fertility, and developing an awareness of these variables may increase the chances of conception. Apart from that, specific main infertility problems hinder your ability to impregnate your partner and find them here. 

Male infertility is any health condition that reduces a couple’s chance of experiencing parenthood.

13 out of 100 couples cannot conceive with unprotected sexual activity. Further t there are several reasons for male and female infertility. In nearly a third of instances of infertility, the man has specific problems. Typically, this is due to issues with his sperm count or sperm delivery. The production and distribution of healthy sperm are essential for male fertility. Sperm travels to the female’s vagina, and the sperm go via the female’s cervix, uterus, and fallopian tubes. If sperm and egg meet there, fertilization occurs.

The system only operates under optimal genetic, hormonal, and environmental circumstances. There are several causes of infertility in men. Producing mature, healthy, and mobile sperm relies on various factors. Problems may impede the development of cells into sperm. Additionally, obstacles may prevent sperm from reaching the female’s egg. Sometimes scrotum temperature may influence fertility. Before understanding the causes, let’s know other things about a man’s fertility. 

Understanding Male Fertility

There are many crucial factors to consider while understanding male fertility. 

  • First, sperm quantity is not the sole determinant of fertility. 
  • Second, a man’s fertility decreases with age but at a slower rate than female fertility. 
  • Thirdly, lifestyle choices may affect fertility. Thus it is essential to make healthy decisions to protect fertility.

Sperm count remains an essential reproductive factor, and a low sperm count may make pregnancy challenging. However, pregnancy is not impossible, and several treatments may increase sperm count and enhance the likelihood of pregnancy.

Age is also an essential consideration when it comes to male fertility. As men age, both the quantity and quality of their sperm diminish. However, this reduction is less rapid than the fall in female fertility. So t this indicates that males may continue to father children long beyond middle age.

Choices in lifestyle may also affect fertility. Smoking and male fertility have direct effects, which we don’t have to explain as most of us are aware. Additionally, drinking and drug usage may all reduce the quantity and quality of sperm. For better chances of natural conception, make healthy choices.

The Types Of Male Fertility

1. Sperm Disorders

A sperm disorder is a medical issue in which a man’s ejaculate contains less sperm than usual. Further sperm problems contribute to male infertility. Infections, genetic diseases, hormone imbalances, and toxic or drug exposures can cause sperm disorders.

Mumps, gonorrhoea, and HIV are among the infections that may cause sperm disorders. Mumps is a viral illness that may cause inflammation of the testicles, resulting in a decline in sperm production. Gonorrhoea is a bacterial illness that may cause harm to the sperm-carrying testicles and epididymis. Further, HIV may also cause testicular injury and a decline in sperm production.

Additionally, certain genetic problems may also lead to sperm abnormalities.

Injury to the reproductive system may reduce or eliminate sperm production. About four out of ten men with azoospermia have obstructions in the tubes through which sperm move. Further, a blockage might be due to a congenital abnormality or an issue like an infection. There are low sperm count treatment options. This may include treating the infections, if necessary, surgery to remove any blockage, or via Assisted reproductive technology.

2. Teratoozospermia

Teratoozospermia is a disorder in which abnormally shaped sperm cells are present in a man’s sperm. So these spermatozoa cannot fertilize a woman’s egg and therefore cannot lead to pregnancy.

There are several potential causes of teratozoospermia, and this might be due to genetic defects, chemical or drug exposure, or an existing medical condition.

Teratoozospermia treatment often involves assisted reproductive technologies (ART), for example, IVF. ART is often effective in teratozoospermia and helps couples to conceive.

Couple discussing over male infertility treatment

3. Varicoceles

Varicoceles are enlarged veins in the scrotum that cause male fertility. So it is believed that they result from malfunctioning valves in the veins that drain blood from the testicles, causing blood to pool and veins to enlarge. Further, the testicles become too heated to produce sperm, resulting in decreased sperm counts.

Typically, varicoceles treatment is possible surgically, and surgery aims to close up abnormal veins to restore normal blood flow. 

Varicoceles may likewise be treated using embolization, a less invasive treatment. Interventional radiologists carry out this operation, including inserting a tiny coil into the vein, preventing blood flow via the vein, and redirecting it.

4. Retrograde ejaculation

This is another male fertility type. During orgasm, retrograde ejaculation happens when sperm reaches the bladder rather than leaving the body via the urethra. That’s because the muscles that ordinarily flex during ejaculation to force sperm out of the body are malfunctioning. Retrograde ejaculation is harmless and causes no discomfort. However, it may result in infertility since the sperm cannot reach the exterior of the body to fertilize an egg. 

So retrograde ejaculation may be caused by surgery, drugs, or neurological system disorders. Signs include cloudy urination after ejaculation and “dry” or maybe less fluid ejaculation.

You require assisted reproductive techniques (ARTs) if drugs fail to treat. So your healthcare professional may collect sperm from your bladder following ejaculation to proceed with the pregnancy.

5. Immunologic infertility

Immunologic infertility is a kind of male fertility problem that develops when the sperm are attacked and destroyed by the body’s immune system. So this may occur for several causes, such as autoimmune illnesses, past infections, chemicals, or medicine exposure. Yet, this is a rare cause of male infertility.

Couples battling immunologic infertility have access to several treatment alternatives. Medication might assist the body in receiving sperm, and in some situations, in vitro fertilization (IVF) may be necessary.

6. Hormonal Imbalances

Several hormones contribute to male fertility. Certain hormones, like testosterone, could have indirect impacts; a testosterone shortage may not impact sperm viability but might induce a lack of sexual desire or sexual dysfunction. The pituitary gland produces hormones that instruct the testicles to produce sperm, and extremely low hormone levels inhibit sperm development. Chronic stress, diabetes etc., may contribute to hormonal imbalance. There are hormone replacement therapies helpful in establishing normal hormone levels.


Male fertility can be very stressful and intimidating. Yet, several male infertility treatment options can help you address your problems and enjoy parenthood. read more exciting articles on ezineblog.org

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