4 benefits of exercise on aging

benefits of exercise

If it is true that aging has its less brilliant sides, we must not forget to underline the good sides. After all, each additional candle represents success and a wealth of life experiences, memories, and time spent with loved ones.

But indeed, age comes with its challenges. We may get tired more easily, and some pains bother us. The good news is that by choosing to move every day, you feel better for longer. Adopting an active lifestyle helps develop and maintain strength and endurance. Over time, it also helps protect cognitive health and mobility Read more for more details..


 4 benefits of exercise on aging 

It’s simple: by moving regularly, you will age better . ParticipACTION gives you four reasons to get your heart pumping a little every day.
 1. Exercise protects the brain. An active lifestyle can play an important role in preventing cognitive decline associated with aging. Physical activity promotes the creation of cells in the part of the brain that controls memory and learning. In other words, in addition to keeping you alert, exercise reduces your risk of dementia.2. Exercise makes us smile more often. Physical activity triggers a powerful chemical reaction that increases happiness . The brain fills with substances that make us smile more and laugh more. In fact, there is a link between active lifestyle and general satisfaction, at any age. According to the 2021 ParticipACTION Adult Physical Activity Report Card , any level of physical activity can prevent depression.3. Exercise helps love better and promotes social connections. Physical activity is a great way to bond with loved ones and people in our community. It can also counter the feeling of loneliness associated with a sedentary lifestyle. Going out, getting together: this is an enormous factor in promoting good health and well-being, especially with age. So what are you waiting for? Go out for a walk, take an aqua fitness class or play a game of tennis!4. Exercise helps maintain mobility and independence. Physical activity can improve strength and balance and thus reduce the risk of falls and injuries. Each year in Canada, approximately 35% of people aged 65 and over experience a fall . The older we get, the more at risk we are. Doing strength training twice a week that targets the major muscle groups is a good way to improve your strength. This can include exercising with weights or resistance bands, or even riding a bicycle. Yoga and tai chi promote balance. As revealed in the 2021 edition of the ParticipACTION Adult Report Card, exercises that focus on balance, gait and muscle strength prevent falls in seniors.

That said, few people experience these benefits by moving enough every day. In fact, only 16% of adults aged 18 to 79 meet physical activity recommendations . For seniors, just add 10 to 15 minutes of physical activity to the daily routine to follow the recommendations.


How long should you move each day? 

According to the Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines  :

  • Adults ages 18 to 64 should get 150 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity per week. It’s only 20 minutes a day!
  • And the same goes for adults 65 and older . Their priority, however, should be to move daily, get at least eight hours of sleep a night, and reduce sedentary behavior.

3 ways to add exercise to the routine 

You don’t have to train for a marathon to reap the benefits of physical activity. Here are three suggestions from ParticipACTION to start moving every day.
 1. Take a tour of the neighborhood on foot or by bike

Walking is one of the easiest ways to start moving. A brisk 20-minute walk is enough to break a sweat and get your heart beating a little faster. A bike ride is another good option. And as a bonus, it works the muscles of the lower body. You can monitor your heart rate with your hand, a smartwatch, or a fitness tracker. Besides, spending time outdoors is also a great way to improve mood and reduce anxiety.
 2. Start gardening

Doing chores in the yard or gardening is a great way to combine physical activity and leisure. Your heart beats faster, your body moves, your stress decreases, and your immune system strengthens . And in addition, your flowerbeds will be magnificent! Don’t have a backyard? Find a community garden in your neighborhood.
 3. Strengthen your body

Adults are recommended to do at least two sessions of muscle-strengthening activities each week . You don’t even need to buy weights or equipment. Exercises that use body weight work the major muscle groups extensively. Think for example of push-ups , squats and lunges. You can also join a virtual group or see if your community center offers free classes.


Last word 

Regular exercise is essential for healthy aging. It is also beneficial for your physical, mental, social and emotional well-being. And if you have the chance to do it outside and in good company, that’s even better!


To learn more about the benefits of physical activity for seniors, check out the ParticipACTION Adult Physical Activity Report Card 2021 .

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