
How to get affordable dog beds?

affordable dog beds


If you’re like me, your dog is the love of your life. He’s also the most loyal friend and companion anyone could ask for. But if he doesn’t have a comfortable place to sleep at night, then what’s the point? So many people have told me that they don’t want to spend money on their dogs because they don’t want them being spoiled or living in luxury. But can’t we all agree that dogs are just as deserving of our love as humans are? Of course! And there are ways around this issue so that we can still give our pets everything they need: shelter from the elements (both literally and figuratively), warmth from another creature’s body heat (I mean, who wouldn’t want this?), comfort when resting their heads on something soft (other than us), etc.).

Give a little TLC to your old bed.

  • Clean the old bed. If you’re in a bind and need to find something inexpensive, try cleaning your old dog bed. This will keep it in good shape for years to come and give it some much-needed TLC.
  • Remove loose stuffing from the old bed, but leave enough behind so that it can be easily replaced once you buy new pillows or blankets (or whatever type of cushioning material you choose). You may want to remove any buttons or zippers as well; if they are made out of metal then they could scratch your pup’s paws while he sleeps on top of them!
  • Replace the stuffing with a new pillow or blanket made especially for dogs—this way there won’t be any bunching up underneath him when he lays down at night! And remember that color schemes don’t matter all that much when choosing an appropriate size…just make sure whatever color scheme matches yours–you wouldn’t want anything too bright either because those colors tend not last long before fading away after washing once per week…

Make a new cover.

If you’re ready to make a new cover for your dog’s bed, here are the materials you’ll need:

  • A fabric that is about 18 inches by 26 inches (1.5 meters by 6 meters) in size. You can find this at most fabrics stores or online.
  • Sewing thread and needles for hand sewing leather if you’d like to customize your new cover with stitching details like embroidery stitches or zippers, which are not included in this tutorial.

Use an old suitcase as a bed.

If you have an old suitcase that’s big enough for your dog, this is another great option. You can use it as a bed or even as storage for toys and treats.

The suitcase must be sturdy enough to hold up your dog’s weight so look for one with reinforced corners and sides that won’t collapse under pressure from him or her trying to jump into their new sleeping quarters! The best part about this idea is that it requires no tools at all—just open up the zipper on top of each side (this will help keep everything neat inside), fold over those flaps once again so they overlap perfectly with each other like an accordion, then close them back up again using some tape if necessary.”

Create a dog bed in the corner of your laundry room.

  • Use a laundry basket. You can find these for free at thrift stores and Goodwill, as well as online through Amazon or Ebay.
  • Use a pillow case. You can also use an old sheet, but be warned: the filling inside will probably be shredded by now!
  • Use an old blanket or sheet—or even better yet, combine those two things together! That way you’ll have something soft to cuddle with while watching Netflix on your couch after work (or before).

Build a DIY dog bed.

Building a DIY dog bed is easy and you can use a variety of materials. You can build your own dog bed using the following:

  • Old comforter or blanket
  • Mattress (if you have one)
  • Box spring if it’s not too heavy for the dogs to carry

If you don’t have any of these things lying around, there are many other options available online! Check out Amazon or Ebay for some great deals on used items that will work perfectly in this project.

  • Search for “dog beds” in your local area (or any city) on the website. You can also try searching “dog beds” in every state so that you can see what kind of prices people are offering for these items. If it’s still too expensive or if no one has posted anything at all yet, then keep scrolling down until something catches your eye! You might even find some really cute ones that would fit perfectly into any home décor style!

Shop at discount stores like

You can also find affordable dog beds at discount stores like These stores are great places to shop because they have a wide variety of merchandise that you won’t find anywhere else. However, this means that the prices will vary from store to store and from time to time. For example:

  • If you see a great deal on an item at one location and buy it then go back for another one later in the day/week/month without thinking twice about how much money was spent on each purchase—you may be surprised when your total bill comes out!

Repurpose items you already own into dog beds.

You can also use an old pillowcase to make your dog a comfortable bed. This is especially useful if you have a large dog that needs a large bed, as it will not only save you money on the purchase but also help keep your home clean.

If you have multiple dogs, consider using one of their blankets or sheets as their new bedding. You could even use towels or jeans if they’re dirty enough!

You might be surprised by how many different things can be used as dog beds—it’s worth taking some time to think about whether there are any items lying around in your house that would work well with pets.

Hit the thrift store for cheap dog beds and pretty linens.

There are many thrift stores in your area that are a great place to find cheap dog beds and pretty linens. These shops are often full of old items that you can use as bedding or even decorate your home with!

In addition to these shops, there’s also the option of buying new items online at sites like Amazon or eBay. This can be especially helpful if you’re looking for something unique or hard-to-find (like an animal print duvet cover).

You don’t have to spend much money to make your dog feel comfortable on his bed.

Dogs are sometimes messy, and they can be hard on beds. They also need a bed that’s comfortable and safe, which means you don’t have to spend much money on one if you want your dog to feel at home in it.

There are plenty of options available at any price point—and if you’re looking for something cheap but still good quality, we’ve got some tips for getting the best value out of your purchase:

  • Look online first at You’ll often find cheaper prices online than in stores because salespeople usually get a commission from their store’s products (which is why many stores don’t offer discounted prices). If there’s no sale going on right now (or even during peak season), try searching the web instead!


You don’t have to spend much money to make your dog feel comfortable on his bed.

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