Probably the young generation is very much into caring about their skin, especially the face. As we can see, people are facing acne and skin problems very much. Most of us are going towards the market products because they show their product as a perfect solution to all skin problems. However, it is not true and we find out at some point. The truth is our skin is a direct reflection of what’s inside us.
Our skin radiates how healthy we are and how happy we are. When you are facing skin problems, move your focus toward your lifestyle. Are you eating well? Are you eating healthily? Are you fit enough? If you are struggling with health and mood, your skin will be stressed too. So in this blog, let’s go deeper. Here we going to discuss the very Yoga poses that can help you achieve radiant glowing skin.
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How Yoga Twists, Mudras, and Pranayama Help Get Healthier Skin?
Yoga is an ancient exercise practice that promotes the union between nature & humankind. The yoga twists, mudras, poses, and pranayama helps your internal organs function properly. They also help increase your flexibility, and strength, and calm your mind. Yoga twists cleanse your body of toxins. It helps your body to filter the blood and push it to all the body parts. The mudras and pranayama help you to channel your energy with the flow of breathing. Also, meditation which is a part of Ashtanga Yoga promotes your mental health too. Have you ever seen beautiful red cheeks? Yeah, those are the results of healthy blood flow in your body.
Below are some Yoga Poses that will help you get radiant skin.
1. Yoga Mudrasana:

You can start it by sitting in a Sukhasana or Padmasana pose. Sukhasana is comparatively easier than the padmasana pose. Take your arms back and grab the right wrist with your left hand. Now bend forward till your head touches the floor. Keep breathing normally and relax. Stay for 1 or 2 minutes. Come to the initial pose.
Benefits: You may see your face turn pristine and lightly flushed after doing this asana.
2. Vakrasana:

Seat in a comfortable position with open legs. Stretch your legs forward. Now bend your right leg and place your right foot beside your left knee. Twist your torso to right and place your right hand behind on the floor. Simultaneously place your left hand on your right foot. Stay calm, and breathe normally. Relax and hold for 10 breaths. Now do the same pose for another side of your body.
Benefits: Stress can cause skin degradation. This asana helps reduce stress by improving the function of the adrenal gland.
3. Matsyasana:

Sit tall on the floor with stretched legs. Now lean backward with the support of your arms. Place your arms on the floor open. Rest the crown of your head on the floor. Now make an arch with your torso by keeping your palms and hands on the floor.
Benefits: This asana improves your thyroid gland activity. This is a prime balancing source of hormones and therefore the asana helps regulate the hormones correctly. Also, it improves your respiratory system and increases the flow of oxygen in your body. High oxygen levels help reduce stress, calm the mind & increase metabolism.
4. Paschimottanasana:

Sit comfortably and stretch your legs out. Bend your torso forward and keep your hands beside your face. Now hold your big toes or the soles of your feet as you elongate your torso forwards. Hold for 20 breaths and then relax.
Benefits: This yoga pose is related to Kundalini Shakti and high oxygen-rich blood flow. This yoga pose improves your blood flow and oxygen levels in your body. This results in glowing skin and makes your body younger.
5. Salamba Sarvangasana:

Lie down comfortably on the floor or yoga mat. Now bend your knees and slowly push your feet above the floor. Balance and push your legs upwards. Support your hips or lower back with your palms on them. If you are working with bent knees, it is okay. Your body weight should be on your shoulders. Make a 90-degree angle with your legs to the floor. Hold this position for 1-2 minutes. Keep your breathing normal.
Benefits: This asana purifies the blood and channels it towards your face. This results in making your face healthy, clear, and glow. It also helps the functioning of the thyroid gland. You will feel healthy skin after practising it regularly.
6. Kapalabhati Pranayama:

Sit in a comfortable position in Gyan Mudra or Chin Mudra. Start normal breathing for one or two minutes. Now keep your thumb on your right nostril and your middle finger on your right nostril. Close your left nostril and breathe in heavily from your abdomen. Hold your breath for 1-2 seconds. Now close your left nostril by the middle finger and leave your breath through the right nostril. Continue this for 20-30 deep breaths.
Benefits: Forceful exhalation makes your skin clear by improving the blood supply to your face and body.
7. Meditation with Prithvi Mudra:

For achieving the Prithvi Mudra, touch the tips of your thumb and ring finger. Sit down comfortably in Sukhasana. Close your eyes and start meditation alongside making Prithvi Mudra with your hands. Keep your pinky finger, index finger, and middle finger straight.
Benefits: Prithvi means earth. The earth element helps your body to cool down and also gain beauty. It affects all our body parts including hair, bones, skin, and nails. It also helps with inflammation, scars, and certain skin allergies.
Our skin is a reflection of our internal health. When we are all struggling to maintain a healthy life with our busy schedules, Yoga is a healthy holistic way to keep ourselves younger & healthier. Yoga poses and breathing exercises can make you healthier and look younger. Above in this blog, I have discussed a few Yoga poses for glowing skin. Adopt all these in your life and get natural beauty without any side effects.