
What Should You Consume During Your Menstruation and Why?

Food plays a great role in your life, right from your mood to your overall fitness. But you know what, your menstruation can also become better or adverse with the food you eat during the time of periods. Certainly, if you avhe some grave issues with your periods, you must visit tirupati gynecologist hospital and find out what is going up with you.  But there are some things related to your food consumption too that you must know in general.

You know many people are there who have symptoms during menstruation and while some foods can simply reduce them, others can simply make it worse. Just stay glued to this post to know what exactly you should eat and why.

Remember that during the menstrual time of the month, every woman experiences or undergoes numerous period symptoms such as cramps, even fatigue, backache, and more. These symptoms can be really controlled by consuming nutritious food items.

Nutrients you should concentrate on during period

During the time of your menstrual cycle, your body sheds the uterine lining and that is something results in bleeding. Therefore, you should definitely focus on consuming the following vital nutrients during the time of periods:

Consume Iron

It is the necessary component of haemoglobin, a protein that is found in red blood cells (RBC.) It is even critical for growth, cellular functioning, neurological development, and even the synthesis of hormones. Menstruating women are more at the risk of iron deficiency because of blood loss during the time of periods. Hence, iron intake has to be high during the menstruation cycle.

Vitamin B12

It is something that is absolutely essential for RBC formation, cell metabolism, and even nerve functioning. During the time of menstruation, hormones oestrogen and even progesterone are at their lowest level that triggers weakness and tiredness. Vitamin B12 even helps create more rbcs and even gives you energy during the time of periods.

What you should Eat During Periods?

You can easily add the below-mentioned foods to your diet to simply deal with or cope with the uncomfortable symptoms during periods, such as abdominal cramps, even nausea, fatigue, and even bloating:


To keep yourself absolutely hydrated, you should definitely eat water-rich fruits, like watermelon and even cucumber. Such are the fruits that also curb your sugar cravings and even keep your blood glucose level in proper check.

Green Leafy Vegetables

Since your iron level drops during the time of the periods, particularly when the menstrual flow is heavy, you may experience fatigue, even bodily pain, and dizziness. To handle these types of symptoms, you must eat green leafy vegetables like kale and even spinach that help boost the level of iron in your body.

Rich nuts

These nuts have loads of omega-3 fatty acids and even protein that keep you healthy and even active even during periods. Certain types of nuts, such as almonds and even cashews, are considered to soothe your period pain. Taking a few pieces only can do the trick for you.


It contains various types of nutrients such as iron, even protein, and magnesium. Along with this, quinoa is definitely gluten-free and has a low glycemic index that simply means that it keeps you full and even energised for a longer duration.

Take ginger

Achy muscles are definitely a common symptom during menstruation. Ginger has anti-inflammatory sort of effects that can simply soothe your achy muscles. You can take up a cup of ginger tea during the time of menstruation. However, don’t simply consume more than four grams of ginger in a single day because its excess can trigger some sort of heartburn and even stomach aches.

Take Fish

Ah, this is a source of protein, iron, and even omega-3 fatty acids. Consuming fish during the time of your periods can drop the intensity of period pain. Omega-3 present in fish even aids in reducing mood swings and even depression that many women experience during their time of menstruation.

Peppermint Tea

It is something that helps to soothe the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and even can relieve menstrual cramps, nausea, and even the situation of diarrheic. So, you should add it to your routine, especially during the time of your periods. Certainly, if you are finding something graver with your periods and things are not smooth, don’t hesitate to speak with the gynecology doctors in tirupati and get the remedy.

Go for a Dark Chocolate

Ah, it is something that contains iron and magnesium that simply drops or reduces the severity of symptoms of periods. Moreover, it would also help you feel better and good about yourself too. If you are feeling really low during the time of periods, even a single or two blocks of dark chocolates can bring comfort and happiness for you.


Most of the women tend to get yeast infections during the time of menstruation cycle. Yoghurt, a probiotic-rich food, simply strengthens the good bacteria in your vagina and even helps you fight yeast infections during the time of your periods. So, if you are taking some amount of yogurt during the periods, you would definitely help yourself!

Lentils and Beans

Now, these lentils  and even beans are quite rich in protein. Consuming beans and lentils provide you utmost level of energy during periods and reduces your overall fatigue and body aches. Of course, you would feel better about your period days when you consume them.

Things You Should Eat 

Here are a few of the many foods that can help you to reduce pain during the time of period:

  • Bananas 
  • Lemons
  • Broccoli
  • Water-rich Fruits 
  • Sweet Fruits
  • Citrus Fruits
  • Gut-friendly Fruits


To sum up , you should definitely follow whatever the post has just shared with you for a better period cycle. However, if you find yourself in a painful or suffering conditions because of periods, talk to the best gynic doctor in pune and find out a quick remedy. After all, there can be a small thing that can turn out to be grave or dangerous for your life if you don’t address it timely.

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