Home Improvement

Quick Tips To Minimize Rising Summer Air Conditioning Bills

Air Conditioning

Summers in Australia are long. On sunny days the temperature is around mid-30 degrees Celsius. However, the scorching sun’s heat outdoors can be quite exhausting, so air conditioning has become more of a necessity than a luxury for people. Cool and comforting temperature due to your air conditioner is needed to relieve the irritation from oppressive heat and act as a support system throughout the tiring summer days.

Well, all said and understood the need for the comforting cooling required in summer, it goes without saying how the long hours of HVAC use in residences trigger the energy bills. With thoughtless use of AC, the regular energy bill limit may soar like the rising temperature outside, effectively blowing off your monthly budget. So, here is why you must stop for a minute to read some quick and easy tips to keep your energy bills in control during summer.

While HVAC guarantees well-maintained temperature, it can certainly shoot up the electricity bill, so you need to know the ways you can save the bill. We have discussed some of the important tips that will help you save on the bills.

1. Set Your Thermostat Temperature Right 

In most cases, intensive cooling is the primary reason behind climbing energy bills. To decrease every degree inside a room, your system needs to operate more, consuming more energy. Therefore, one of the easiest energy-efficient tricks is setting the right temperature in your thermostat, which will offer an effectively cool room yet not push your system to work over the line. Moreover, it’s about achieving a comfortable temperature, not a chilling one. While setting the temperature at 16 degrees Celsius can trigger your air conditioning energy bills, keeping the thermostat temperature around 24 to 26 can save many of your dollars. Besides, the sigma rule is to set a temperature not more than 8 degrees lower than the outside temperature.

Air Conditioning

2. Use A Ceiling Fan Along with AC 

In most houses, the air conditioner is on during the summer with the ceiling fan at rest. While many endear the false belief that using both together will consume more energy bills, it is the opposite when both are used correctly. When AC and ceiling fans are used together due to the wind-chill effect, it cools down the interior faster. You can even switch off the air conditioning system after a while and keep the fan on to enjoy the comfortable, cool temperature. However, you must ensure there are no air escape passages in the rooms so that the cool air is efficiently circulated inside with only the fan operating.

3. Seal Air Escape Passages

Check below the windows and doors for any gap from where air can pass. Efficient cooling is only possible in an interior with no air passage. If you have any slight gap around the room, make sure you temporarily or permanently fill up the gap or, if needed, to ensure efficient and fast cooling. With open-air passages, your air conditioning system will take longer to reduce the interior temperature, pushing your energy bills higher.

4. Passive Cooling Techniques

The simple reason any interior will have raised temperature is the sunlight entering. Sunlight brings in light and heat and allows your interiors, that furniture to all other items, to absorb heat and make the interiors warmer. However, you could use passive techniques to control this processing of warming:

  • Use heavy curtains, blinds, and shutters and essentially keep them closed throughout the day to minimize the entry of heat from outside.
  • You can also install tinted windows, known for drastically reducing the heat absorption process.
  • You can plant more plants around the house, like vines, shrubs, and bushy plants. Not only offers an aesthetic look to your house but also prevents the harsh heat rays from the sun by creating a shady guard around your house.

With any effective techniques to minimize your rising summer energy bills due to constantly operating air conditioning systems, you need not take the financial pain on your wallet anymore. Apply one or more of the smart techniques and enjoy your summers with relieved budget worries and troubling energy bill hikes. Operate smart and save more dollars on your energy bills

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