Home Improvement

Bed bug control costs by best pest controller

pest controller

Do you find dark flakes of skin and brown-black faces in your bed? This indicates bed bugs. In addition, you probably suffer from bites that lead to itching and swelling. On this page you will find information about the costs of bed bug control, you can read more about pesticides and you will find saving tips for pest controller.

The costs of bed bug control are on average between € 250 and € 650, depending on the number of bed bugs and the spread through the house. Bed bugs suck themselves full of blood after being bitten by humans or pets. After feeding, the bed bug turns dark red. The little animal then retreats to its hiding place. View all costs in this article.

Type of bed bug controlAvg. costs of bed bug control, incl. inspection, pesticides, call-out costs and VAT
Per room€250
Per floor€ 325
per house€650

Bed bugs like to hide in your bedroom baseboards, bed surrounds and mattress edges. They prefer to stay in bedrooms. They spread easily through cracks, seams and pipes to other bedrooms, but they also end up in other environments through luggage. View the price examples below to get a better idea of ​​the bed bug control costs.

Cheapest Bed Bug Control
In the cheapest situation, the bed bugs are located in one bedroom and have not yet spread to other rooms on the same floor. The control costs in this situation amount to an average of €250.

Most common bed bug control Bed
bugs reproduce very quickly. They often spread out over several bedrooms on one floor. The average control costs in this situation are around € 325.

Extensive bed bug control
Didn’t you fight the bed bugs immediately after discovery? Then a plague has arisen and they are all over the house. In this situation, the average control costs amount to € 650.

Do you suffer from bed bugs? It is advisable to call in a specialist who fights all bed bugs. A bed bug lives on average for one year and lays up to 150 eggs. Try the following tips to prevent expansion as quickly as possible, before the specialist has to visit.

Tips for bed bugsOperation
Don’t move stuffThe bed bugs hide in many things in the bedroom. By moving the items to another room, the bed bugs spread further across the floor.
2. Wash clothes at 60°C or take them to the dry cleanersThe heat kills the bed bugs.
3. Provide a lot of lightBed bugs hate light and prefer to move to their dark hiding place immediately after ingesting food.

Bed bugs feed on blood, but can live without it for up to 30 weeks. So it is important to completely control the pests . View the schedule below for the different pesticides.

Type of pesticide for bed bugsOperation
Bed bug sprayThis is often the first pesticide people buy to fight the bed bugs themselves. It is a temporary solution and kills the bed bugs where it is sprayed. It often happens that not all spots are addressed, causing the bed bugs to return.
Bed bug sniffer dog and poisonThe dogs are trained to find bed bugs in the house, even if only a few. The sniffer dog enables the specialist to find the specific location, so that he can easily spread poison in the right place. Thus, the poison is used efficiently and effectively.
Heat the whole houseBed bugs consist mainly of proteins. The heat causes vital proteins to coagulate and as a result the bed bugs and their eggs die out. This is the most expensive method of controlling bed bugs. This form of control is therefore the least often used.

Homedeal saving tips

Choose a local pest controller

Some pest controllers operate throughout the country and charge high call-out costs. By choosing a local entrepreneur you save on average € 25 on the call-out costs.

Help me

Clean, tidy up your house and clear places with stuff, so that the pest controller can get to work right away. This way, it takes less time and you save on labour costs.

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