If you’re thinking about renovating your shower and rejuvenating your bathroom interiors, there are a few pitfalls that you should be aware of. The following mistakes are those which are found in plenty of homes around the world. With this advice though, you can install a brand new shower which looks great and which actually functions in the right manner.
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1. Laying Down Tile to the Ceiling

While most people think that their shower walls should be completely tiled, you may not realise that the wall-ceiling line isn’t always straight. This means the upper edge of the tiles may not meet the ceiling perfectly. Either you can cut off sections of tile (which ends up looking odd and highlighting the flaw) or you can only lay down tiles to a height of seven feet. The latter option will look a lot better while still protecting your walls from moisture damage.
2. Using the Incorrect Backer Board

Your contractor should also install the proper type of backing board behind your wall tiles. Be wary of those who use water resistant gypsum board as it has the following disadvantages:
• Gets damaged by moisture over time
• Is a poor foundation for shower tiles
Instead, you should choose a more modern type of backer board which is completely non-porous. In this way, the board won’t warp or get mouldy after years of daily showers taken by you and your family.
3. Choosing a Curbed Shower Design

A more subtle design mistake common in western bathrooms is placing a curb around the shower area. This is a raised section of wall a few inches high. In fact, a curbless shower can be better as it:
• Creates a seamless bathroom environment
• Allows access for seniors and the disabled
This means you’ll improve the look of your shower interiors and make your house more attractive to a wider audience once you eventually put it on the market in the future.
4. Opting for Mismatching Fixtures

An easy error to make is simply remodelling the shower without matching it with your other bathroom fixtures. While you might not mind this mismatched decor, you might have trouble selling your home afterwards as a result. This is why it’s better to choose matching parts and systems from Gainsborough Showers or some other reputable retailer. If you choose taps, spouts and other accessories in the same style, you’ll have an interior design which looks great and which is complementary.
5. Forgetting to Install Shelving

Your shower will also need some storage space for your shampoo, conditioner, soap, etc. Some people renovate their bathrooms and completely forget to install some shelving in their bathing areas. This means you’ll have to place bottles and containers on the floor where they may be knocked over or build up mould over time. With some shelf space though, you can put these bathing essentials out of the way where they can actually dry out after your shower.
6. Installing Inadequate Lighting

Another mistake people make is trying to be too stylish with the lighting. This can result in bathroom interiors which aren’t properly illuminated which then results in the following:
• Bodily dirt is difficult to spot
• It’s easier to trip and fall over
• Applying makeup is impossible
Only install light fittings which are especially made for bathrooms so your shower is properly illuminated whenever someone is in there bathing. You’ll make it easier to stay clean while removing some risks as well.
7. Poorly Ventilating the Bathroom

The last common error people make when renovating their showers is forgetting about proper ventilation. Good air flow is very important in bathroom settings. Without it, you will have to deal with the following dangers and inconveniences:
• Bad smells
• Mould growth
• High humidity
• Rust formation
• Allergic reactions
By thinking about installing a reliable ventilation system, you will avoid all of these problems and ensure that your bathroom interiors stay in excellent condition for a very long time to come.
Whether you’re seeking a local contractor or are shopping for bathroom fixtures, you will make a smarter decision by keeping this advice in mind. Avoid all of the above mistakes and you can remodel your shower in just the right manner.