Affiliate Marketing: The Corona Crisis as an Opportunity

Affiliate marketing

The corona pandemic is currently dominating the news, daily personal life and economic activity alike. The crisis and the resulting change in consumer behavior can be a major challenge, especially for companies. Due to the temporary closings of retail stores, they are forced to relocate their main business more and more to the Internet. Of course, Affiliate marketing also has an impact on the advertising behavior of companies and the budget to be invested in advertising measures.

In the course of this blog article, we want to bring you closer to current developments and trends in the field of advertising and show you which advertising methods are currently being used increasingly despite the corona pandemic and why they are so well suited.

Developments in the advertising market due to the Corona crisis

Affiliate marketing
Affiliate marketing

The corona pandemic currently not only has everyday events firmly under control, but also the marketing industry. For a large part of the advertising market, Corona has long been an immediate disaster. Not only has the main business of event organizers, travel companies and airlines collapsed, the global supply chains are also threatened with numerous interruptions. That is why companies are currently cutting spending where it can be done most quickly, and that is often the marketing and advertising costs. However, companies do not only see negative effects in affiliate marketing: Although the majority assume undesirable effects for their own business, 43% of affiliate marketers see positive consequences in times of the corona crisis at any point in time.

Why affiliate marketing can continue in times of global crisis

in times of global crisis
in times of global crisis

Affiliate marketing has the advantage that a relatively precise controlling is possible with partner programs, for example through the technical reading of affiliate links. Thus, successes such as sales or new customer acquisition can be traced back to individual affiliate partners and the partner program can be controlled accordingly. This precise possibility of controlling and deriving consequences and gains through a certain marketing measure does not exist to the same extent with other indirect measures such as spots or advertisements, since there causal and time effects make the analysis of the advertising effect more difficult.

Furthermore, affiliate marketing, which is mostly operated with partner purchase links, is aimed particularly at the online offer of companies and less on the offer itself. Thus, the fit of the advertising measure to the current situation in which the economy finds itself is just too excellent.

Developments on the Corona advertising market: Affiliate marketing as a statistical winner

statistical winner
statistical winner

The assessments of advertisers with regard to the Corona crisis are quite divided in many aspects: In a survey by the EXPO360 magazine, 49% of the advertisers surveyed stated that they expected sales losses due to reduced order quantities, while 43% of those surveyed forecast a positive sales development. When it comes to affiliate marketing, however, there is a more positive mood. In a further survey by the same magazine, 33% of marketers stated that they would continue their affiliate program as before, whereas 27% stated that they would reduce “some measures” in affiliate marketing. In contrast, 18% of those surveyed said they were pushing affiliate marketing even more strongly in times of Corona.

Conclusion: Affiliate marketing as a corona crisis-proof advertising medium

crisis-proof advertising medium
crisis-proof advertising medium

As described in the above text, because of its controllability, the possibility of evaluating it easily and purposefully and its strong emphasis on online business, affiliate marketing can be viewed as one of the more crisis-proof advertising measures, although it also runs counter to the assessment of advertising developments Gives opinions. In principle, the industry that is advertised is also decisive. The nature of the Corona crisis means that delivery services can and must expect increased sales, while the business of travel providers effectively comes to a standstill, which of course is also reflected in the expenses for advertising measures – also for affiliate marketing. will reflect.

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