Family & FriendsFAMILY & PARENTING

It’s Never Too Late to Create New Family Adventures

Family Adventures

A family that plays together stays together – is a moto that parents worldwide need to embrace as soon as possible. In the age where most parents are working two jobs, or more, and where social media and online platforms become a playmate rather than a tool, it’s important to embrace the idea that the quality of time you spend with your kids matters more than the quantity itself. Therefore, you need to find a way to gamify most of your day-to-day interactions and make mutual coexistence into a fun family adventure your kids will cherish throughout their lives.

Family Adventures
Family Adventures

1.Swap Roles

The first thing you need to understand is the fact that the longer you allow your kid to remain disconnected from the family, the more alienated they’ll become. There are several reasons why this happens to young children. For instance, a single unkind word or an unanswered question may go unnoticed to an adult, yet to a preschooler, the effects of this may be more lasting.

Once you figure out that there’s something wrong in the family, leap on the opportunity to fix this through a series of fun games. Try swapping roles for half an hour each day and let everyone take on a role of a family member. While copying someone else, they might get a glimpse of what the world looks like from their perspective, as well as how others perceive them. Needless to say, this helps your children develop the feeling of empathy and helps them understand their family members much better.

2.Family Cuddle Time

Not every family activity has to be verbal. Sometimes hugs speak louder than words and what better way to demonstrate this thought than with a mandatory family cuddle time. Once everyone in the home demonstrates a low-level of energy, you might initiate this practice and gather everyone on a family sofa or a bedroom bed. They say that a comfortable silence is far more intimate than any kind of discourse. Well, this might be the perfect way for you to figure out just how true this notion is. This alone can make your children feel safe, loved and protected. Due to the fact that kids this young remember emotions more vividly than words, this is definitely something worth considering.

3.Hit the Road

Spending some time outdoors will make your kids associate fun time with people instead of location, as well as let them develop healthy habits. Let’s face it, we’re living in the age in which obesity amongst children is at an all-time high. Sure, you may watch over your kids and make them eat healthily but what will happen once it’s time for them to move out and live on their own, a parent should always think this much in advance. Instead of imposing rules, start living a healthier lifestyle and make your entire family accustomed to it. Get everyone in your family a bicycle, as well as all the additional gear like safety helmets and reliable bike tyres and start cycling.

4.Try Card Games

It’s never too early to start teach kids about money with card games. At very least, standard deck composes of two colors and four types of symbols and learning your kids to discern between these may already boost their cognitive abilities. Later on, this helps them learn how to count, visually differentiate between larger and smaller numbers and so much more. To make things interesting, you can place a unique wager, which, most commonly consists of household choirs. In this way, you can add the level of household maintenance to this system, teaching your children some responsibility along the way.

5.Turn Cleaning into an Adventure

In the previous section, we mentioned chores as a reward-punishment system for a card game, while it’s true that you can gamify this experience as a whole. You can distribute responsibilities based on age, predisposition, and strengths or give everyone a section of the house to clean. The latter will give you an opportunity to evaluate and compare work, turning this into a competition of sorts. While this might maximize the effects, it will definitely kill some of the teamwork. Therefore, you need to decide where you want to put an emphasis – results or fun? For most parents, this is a no-brainer. Of course, you can always go with some music in order to crank things up a bit.

Family Adventures
Family Adventures

In Conclusion

At the very end, you need to keep in mind that it’s never too late to create new family adventures. Just because you could have introduced these trends much earlier, it doesn’t mean that you don’t stand much to gain by doing so now. Keep in mind that the time you spend with your kids under the same roof usually tends to be quite finite. Therefore, you can’t afford to waste any time.

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